Beautiful women with freckles

Dealing with Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Solutions

Hyperpigmentation can be a tough skin issue to navigate. It’s something many of us experience, yet few understand. At MC Laser Clinic, we believe knowledge is the first step towards healthy skin.

Let's take a closer look at what hyperpigmentation is, why it occurs, and the powerful treatments we offer to help manage it.

Unpacking the Causes of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation refers to the darkening of the skin due to an overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. Various factors can trigger this overproduction, including sun exposure, hormonal changes, age, and skin injuries or inflammation.

Sun Exposure

The most common cause of hyperpigmentation is sun exposure. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays stimulate the production of melanin as a natural defense mechanism to protect the skin. However, excessive exposure can cause melanin to accumulate, resulting in darker patches on the skin. It's important to note that even on cloudy days, UV rays can still penetrate through, so daily sun protection is a must.

Hormonal Changes

Another common cause is hormonal changes, such as those experienced during pregnancy or due to certain medications. These changes can trigger a type of hyperpigmentation known as melasma, often appearing as dark patches on the face.

Melasma requires a careful and comprehensive treatment approach due to its hormonal link, and MC Laser Clinic is equipped with both the knowledge and technologies to help manage it effectively.

Age and Skin Injuries

As we age, our skin tends to produce more melanin, resulting in age spots. These are generally harmless but can be a cosmetic concern for many. Additionally, skin injuries or inflammation, like acne, can lead to a type of hyperpigmentation called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). PIH can be particularly stubborn to treat, but with the right professional care, significant improvements can be achieved.

The Different Types of Hyperpigmentation: Melasma, PIH, Freckles

Understanding the type of hyperpigmentation you're dealing with can be helpful when seeking treatment.


Typically triggered by hormonal changes, melasma presents as larger, darker patches usually on the face. While often linked to pregnancy, it can also occur due to hormonal medications such as birth control pills. Melasma can be stubborn, but we've seen fantastic results at MC Laser Clinic with personalized treatment plans.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)

PIH is a response to skin inflammation or injury. It can occur after acne, eczema, or other skin conditions and is often more pronounced in darker skin tones. At MC Laser Clinic, we understand the complexity of PIH and offer several solutions, including chemical peels and specialized skincare routines, to help reduce its appearance.


Freckles are small, concentrated areas of increased melanin production, often resulting from sun exposure. They are usually harmless but can be a cosmetic concern for some. Whether you love your freckles or prefer a more even skin tone, we're here to support your skin health and beauty goals.

Topical Treatments for Hyperpigmentation

Several over-the-counter and prescription products can help manage hyperpigmentation. These include retinoids, hydroquinone, and lightening creams containing ingredients like kojic acid or azelaic acid. Always consult with a skincare professional before starting a new skincare regimen.

How Chemical Peels Help Manage Hyperpigmentation

At MC Laser Clinic, we offer effective treatments like chemical peels to help manage hyperpigmentation. These treatments work by removing the outer layer of your skin, promoting new skin growth, and ultimately reducing the appearance of dark spots. We offer AFA Peels, which are rich in antioxidants and great for treating a variety of skin issues, including hyperpigmentation.

The Role of Antioxidants in Preventing and Treating Hyperpigmentation

Antioxidants like vitamin C can be a powerful ally in your fight against hyperpigmentation. They not only neutralize harmful free radicals but also inhibit melanin production, reducing dark spots. Incorporating antioxidant-rich products and foods into your routine can boost your skin's health and radiance.

Personalized Hyperpigmentation Treatments at MC Laser Clinic

Our approach at MC Laser Clinic is always personalized. We understand that each individual's skin is unique and requires customized care. We offer VISIA™ Skin Analysis to assess your skin's condition accurately and design the most effective treatment plan for you.

From laser treatments to tailored skincare routines, we’re committed to helping you achieve your skin goals.

Maintaining Skin Health Post-Treatment: Preventing Further Hyperpigmentation

Post-treatment care is equally important as the treatment itself when it comes to managing hyperpigmentation. As your skin heals and rejuvenates following a treatment, taking steps to protect it and nourish it can go a long way in maintaining the improvements you've achieved and preventing further pigmentation issues. Here are some tips and guidance from our team at MC Laser Clinic to help you with that.

Sun Protection

Arguably the most crucial aspect of your post-treatment care is sun protection. It's important to remember that the sun’s UV rays can trigger more hyperpigmentation, undoing the progress made by your treatment. Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily is essential, even on cloudy days, as up to 80% of the sun’s harmful UV rays can penetrate your skin.

Beyond sunscreen, consider investing in protective clothing, like wide-brimmed hats and UPF-rated garments, and try to limit your sun exposure during peak hours, usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This can significantly reduce your exposure to harmful UV rays and protect your skin from damage and further pigmentation.

Consistent Skincare Routine

A consistent skincare routine is crucial in maintaining the results achieved from your hyperpigmentation treatments. This routine should involve gentle cleansing, regular exfoliation to slough off dead skin cells and promote cell renewal, and ample moisturization to keep your skin hydrated and supple.

In addition to these basics, incorporating skincare products with ingredients like retinoids and antioxidants can significantly help in managing hyperpigmentation. Retinoids can accelerate cell turnover, thus helping fade pigmentation, while antioxidants like vitamin C can protect your skin from oxidative damage, which can lead to dark spots and uneven skin tone.

Regular Check-ins with Your Skincare Professional

Finally, regular visits to your skincare professional can ensure that your skin is responding well to the treatment and can help adjust your care plan as needed. At MC Laser Clinic, we believe that the path to clear, healthy skin is a collaborative journey. We’re here to provide ongoing support, from guiding you in picking the right skincare products to modifying your treatment plan in response to your skin’s evolving needs.

Overcoming hyperpigmentation is a process, but with patience, consistent care, and the right professional guidance, you can achieve and maintain the bright, even skin tone you've always wanted.

Understanding the Emotional Impact of Hyperpigmentation and the Journey to Clear Skin

We recognize that skin concerns like hyperpigmentation can impact one's self-esteem and confidence. At MC Laser Clinic, we are not just about treating your skin; we are also here to support you emotionally throughout your skincare journey. We believe in the power of education to alleviate fears, build confidence, and empower our clients to take control of their skin health.

Remember, your journey to clear skin doesn't have to be a solitary one. We are here to walk with you every step of the way, providing expert advice, effective treatments, and unwavering support. You deserve to feel comfortable in your skin, and we're committed to helping you get there. Let's start your journey to healthier, radiant skin together!

Women getting laser skin treatment for legs

Innovations in Skincare: Laser Treatments for Skin Rejuvenation

In the evolving world of skincare, innovation is the name of the game. One of the most significant advancements in recent years is the use of laser technology for skin rejuvenation. No longer the stuff of science fiction, lasers are a game-changer in the skincare industry, allowing us to tackle a range of skin concerns with precision and effectiveness.

Exploring the Science Behind Laser Skin Rejuvenation

As we delve deeper into the realm of skincare science, one thing is evident: lasers have dramatically transformed the skincare industry. But how do they work, and why are they so effective? Let's unravel these mysteries together.

The Underlying Principles

At their core, laser treatments operate on a straightforward yet potent principle. They leverage light energy, specifically calibrated, to stimulate the skin's natural healing process. This ingenious approach provides the desired skin rejuvenation effect.

Imagine a laser as a highly concentrated beam of light energy. When this energy is directed to specific areas of the skin, it triggers cellular regeneration and collagen production – the building blocks of fresh, youthful-looking skin. The remarkable aspect is that while the laser zeroes in on specific targets, it leaves the surrounding tissue untouched. This precision ensures an optimal outcome with minimized side effects, offering a balance that traditional skincare treatments have struggled to achieve.

The end result? A rejuvenated complexion that reflects the natural healing and regrowth stimulated by the laser treatment.

Types of Lasers

Stepping into the world of laser skincare introduces a variety of lasers, each with a unique wavelength suited to different skin concerns. At MC Laser Clinic, we stay abreast of these technological advancements, employing a range of laser technologies, including Limelight IPL and Laser Genesis. These treatments have shown tremendous results in addressing issues like hyperpigmentation, scars, rosacea, and more.

Different Types of Laser Treatments at MC Laser Clinic

Laser Genesis

Let's first talk about Laser Genesis. This non-invasive laser treatment is an age-defying powerhouse. It's designed to stimulate the body’s natural regenerative processes to reverse the signs of aging and sun damage. How does it achieve this? By gently heating the upper dermis – the layer beneath the skin's surface – Laser Genesis sparks a natural revitalization that improves the appearance of wrinkles, diminishes redness and large pores, and smooths uneven skin texture.

We often compare the Laser Genesis experience to feeling the sun's warmth on your skin - a pleasant sensation that promises a host of skin benefits. It's a fantastic example of how advanced skincare treatments combine efficacy with a pleasing experience.

Limelight IPL

Next in our lineup of treatments is the Limelight IPL, standing for Intense Pulsed Light. This innovative treatment stands as a testament to the continuous evolution of laser technology. Its magic lies in targeting pigmented and vascular lesions, effectively reducing their appearance. The result? A more even skin tone and texture.

But don't mistake Limelight IPL for a one-trick-pony. While its primary purpose is to combat pigmentation, it is also efficient in addressing sun damage and other signs of skin aging. In essence, Limelight IPL offers a comprehensive, customized approach to skincare, allowing us to meet a wide range of client needs effectively.

The Benefits of Laser Treatments for Skin Rejuvenation

The decision to pursue laser treatments is often a step towards self-improvement and a boost of confidence. Let's take a look at the benefits that make these treatments an appealing option.

Long-lasting Results

The adage "beauty is fleeting" doesn't hold true when it comes to laser treatments. One of the standout advantages of these procedures is the longevity of the results. After your skin has gone through its healing phase, the improvements can be remarkably long-lasting.

But here's the caveat: these results are best maintained with a consistent post-treatment skincare routine. Pairing your laser treatments with top-tier skincare products and consistent sun protection can prolong the vibrancy and health of your skin, ensuring that the beauty you've reclaimed remains yours to keep for a long time.

Minimal Downtime

In our fast-paced world, we understand that you can't afford lengthy recovery periods. Luckily, with laser treatments, downtime is kept to a minimum. Most clients are able to return to their daily activities immediately post-treatment.

However, it's important to note that your skin may be slightly sensitive following the procedure. Adhering to our aftercare advice is crucial in protecting your skin and optimizing the results of your treatment.

What to Expect During and After a Laser Treatment Session

During the Treatment

At MC Laser Clinic, every laser treatment session is designed with your comfort and safety in mind. The process typically begins with cleansing your skin and applying a cooling gel. As the laser glides over your skin, you might experience a slight warming or tingling sensation - but don't worry, this is completely normal and not at all painful.

Our expert technicians are with you every step of the way, ensuring that the treatment is as comfortable as it is effective.

Post-Treatment Care

After your treatment, your skin may resemble that of a mild sunburn – slightly flushed and warm to the touch. This reaction is normal and usually subsides within a few hours to a couple of days. To soothe your skin and aid its recovery, we recommend a gentle skincare routine, avoiding harsh or abrasive products.

And don't forget – applying SPF is a must! Even if you'll be indoors, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is essential in maintaining the results of your treatment.

Ideal Candidates for Laser Skin Rejuvenation

While many people looking for skin rejuvenation are good candidates for laser treatments, suitability can vary depending on several factors. These include skin type, the specific skin concern being treated, and overall health.

At MC Laser Clinic, we never take a one-size-fits-all approach to skincare. We ensure every treatment is tailored to you by conducting a comprehensive consultation before embarking on any treatment plan. This step allows us to align the chosen procedure with your specific skincare goals, providing a truly customized experience designed to achieve the best results for your unique skin.

Misconceptions and FAQs About Laser Treatments

Are Laser Treatments Painful?

One common misconception is that laser treatments are painful. In reality, most patients describe the sensation as a slight tingling or a rubber band's quick snap against the skin.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The number of required sessions varies depending on the treatment and individual skin concern. Some conditions may require multiple sessions for optimal results, which your skincare professional will discuss with you.

Will I See Results Immediately?

While some improvements can be seen immediately after the treatment, the full results often emerge gradually over weeks or months as your skin heals and rejuvenates itself.

The Bottom-Line

Laser skin rejuvenation treatments represent a groundbreaking approach in the field of skincare. They offer a non-invasive, scientifically advanced way to address common skin concerns, from hyperpigmentation to signs of aging. While they are powerful, these treatments are also customizable, allowing you to achieve your unique skincare goals.

At MC Laser Clinic, we are passionate about harnessing the power of laser technology to provide our clients with the best results. Through a personalized approach, we aim to improve not just the health and appearance of your skin, but also your confidence and wellbeing. After all, our mission is to help you love the skin you're in, now and in the future.

If you're considering laser skin rejuvenation, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our experienced team is ready to answer any questions you might have and guide you through your skincare journey, helping you make the most informed decisions about your skin's health.

So, are you ready to explore the wonders of laser treatments and step into a new era of skincare? With laser technology, a radiant, rejuvenated complexion is well within your reach.

Women looking into the mirror, checking her skin to make sure there's no fine lines

How You Can Slow Down Fine Lines

We've all heard the adage, "beauty is skin deep," and when it comes to the tiny, delicate lines that naturally form on our skin over time, nothing could be more accurate.

These lines, often referred to as fine lines, are a common part of aging. Yet, while they may be inevitable, there are ways to slow down their appearance and keep your skin looking youthful and vibrant.

Let's explore what fine lines really are and share some effective strategies to help you slow their progression.

What Are Fine Lines?

Fine lines are shallow, small wrinkles that appear on the surface of our skin as we age. They're usually most noticeable around the eyes, mouth, and forehead - areas where the skin is delicate and frequently moves with our facial expressions.

These lines are typically the first signs of aging and can start appearing as early as your 20s, depending on various factors like genetics, skin type, and lifestyle.

Tips For Slowing Down The Appearance of Fine Lines

The good news is, with the right approach, you can slow down the appearance of fine lines and maintain a youthful complexion for longer. Here's how:

Pick The Perfect Skincare Routine

Establishing an effective skincare routine is paramount in the fight against fine lines. The right regimen can enhance your skin's natural defenses, slow down the aging process, and keep your complexion looking vibrant and youthful. Here's how to pick the perfect skincare routine for slowing down the appearance of fine lines:

  • Cleanse Daily: Starting and ending your day with a good cleanse is vital for skin health. A gentle cleanser can remove dirt, oil, and makeup accumulated throughout the day, preventing them from clogging your pores and leading to breakouts or dull skin. MC Laser Clinic offers personalized advice on the best cleansers for your skin type.
  • Exfoliate Regularly: Exfoliating is not just about sloughing off dead skin cells. It's also about boosting skin renewal and enabling better absorption of skincare products. Regular exfoliation uncovers the fresh cells beneath and allows skincare products to penetrate deeper and work more effectively. Treatments like MC Laser Clinic's AFA Peels provide effective and gentle exfoliation, making your skin appear smoother and more radiant.
  • Moisturize: Hydration is crucial in maintaining your skin's elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines. A good moisturizer hydrates your skin, locks in its natural moisture, and forms a protective barrier against environmental stressors. By keeping your skin adequately moisturized, you're not just nurturing its health but also helping to plump the skin, making fine lines less noticeable.
  • Antioxidants and Retinoids: These two types of ingredients can be the game-changers in your skincare routine. Antioxidants, like vitamin C, protect the skin from damaging free radicals, a leading cause of aging. They can brighten your complexion, even out your skin tone, and increase your skin's firmness. Retinoids, on the other hand, have been proven to boost collagen production, which is key to maintaining the skin's elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines. MC Laser Clinic's skincare experts can guide you in choosing the right antioxidant and retinoid products for your skin's needs.

Remember, the perfect skincare routine is not just about the products you use but also how consistently you use them. It's an investment in your skin's future. With patience, persistence, and the right products, you can slow down the appearance of fine lines and maintain a youthful, glowing complexion.

Be Mindful of Sun Exposure

Sun exposure is one of the main causes of premature skin aging. Protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays can significantly slow down the development of fine lines. Always apply a broad-spectrum SPF sunscreen, even on cloudy days or when you're inside, as UVA rays can penetrate windows. Wearing a hat and sunglasses can provide extra protection.

Keep A Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to skin health, remember that it isn't just about what you put on your skin but also about how you take care of your body as a whole. Here's how you can cultivate a lifestyle that helps keep your skin looking youthful:

  • Stay Hydrated: One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your skin healthy is by drinking plenty of water. Water plays a crucial role in maintaining skin moisture and delivering essential nutrients to skin cells. By keeping your body hydrated, you're helping maintain the elasticity and suppleness of your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day for optimal skin hydration.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids can do wonders for your skin. These nutrients fight off damage from free radicals, increase collagen production, and reduce inflammation, promoting a healthier, smoother complexion. Include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet to feed your skin from within.
  • Get Enough Sleep: While you're sound asleep, your body is hard at work repairing damaged skin cells and regenerating new ones. Lack of quality sleep can hinder this natural process, leading to dull skin and the formation of fine lines. Make sleep a priority and aim for 7-9 hours a night for your skin to renew and refresh itself.

Minimize Facial Expressions That Cause Wrinkles

Repetitive facial movements can cause fine lines over time. Try to be aware of habitual facial expressions, like frowning or squinting, and minimize them when possible.

Perform Facial Exercises

You might be familiar with the concept of exercising your body to maintain muscle tone, but did you know that you can apply the same principle to your face? Facial exercises, or "face yoga", have become increasingly popular as a natural method to slow down the appearance of fine lines.

These exercises work by targeting the 50+ muscles in your face, neck, and scalp, helping to improve blood circulation, stimulate collagen production, and increase cell renewal. This results in a firmer, smoother complexion and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines.

For example, you might try the "forehead smoother" exercise. Place both hands on your forehead facing inwards and spread all of the fingers out between the eyebrows and hairline. Gently sweep the fingers outwards across the forehead, applying light pressure to tighten the skin. Repeat this 10 times.

Another useful exercise is the "cheek lifter". Open your mouth to form an "O", and position your upper lip over teeth. Smile to lift cheek muscles up, then put your fingers lightly on the top part of the cheek before releasing the cheek muscles to lower them. Lift back up again, and repeat by lowering and lifting the cheeks.

Regularly performing these exercises can provide a natural, non-invasive method to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, contributing to a more youthful look. However, results aren't immediate and require consistency and time. Incorporating facial exercises into your daily routine can be a fun and relaxing way to enhance your skincare regimen.

Use A Gua Sha For Facial Massage

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves scraping a flat jade or rose quartz stone over the skin to promote circulation and lymphatic drainage. It can help relieve tension, boost circulation, and promote collagen production, all of which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines.

The Takeaway

Slowing down the appearance of fine lines isn't about halting time, but about embracing a holistic approach to skin health. From the products you apply to the lifestyle choices you make, each step contributes to a canvas of vibrant, youthful-looking skin. Remember, consistency is key. Just as fine lines don't appear overnight, changes take time to manifest. Be patient and persistent.

And lastly, don't forget to seek professional help. At MC Laser Clinic, we offer a range of treatments to help tackle fine lines and other skin concerns. Through our VISIA™ Skin Analysis, we can tailor a skincare regimen specifically for you, addressing your unique needs and goals. We're here to guide and support you on your journey to maintaining beautiful, youthful skin.

So, why wait? Start making these simple changes today and see the difference they can make to your skin. Your future self will thank you for it!

Men getting a Chemical Peel Facial

The Benefits of Facials & Why You Should Get One!

Stepping into the world of skincare can be intimidating with a plethora of products and treatments promising to work wonders for your skin. But amidst all these, there’s a classic, trusty treatment that has stood the test of time - the facial.

Why Facials Are The Best

Facials can be a transformative experience for your skin. Regular facials not only leave your skin feeling clean and refreshed, but they also provide long-term benefits. Here's how facials can enhance your skin's health and appearance.

Improves Skin Texture and Tone

Facials work wonders on your skin's texture and tone, granting an immediate radiance you can both see and feel. This transformative effect begins with a thorough exfoliation, removing layers of dull, dead skin cells that often make our complexion appear lacklustre. This not only reveals a fresh, vibrant layer of skin but also encourages the growth of new, healthy cells, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

The brightening effect doesn't stop there. Facials also promote better circulation in the facial tissues, adding a natural glow to your skin. Furthermore, many facial treatments incorporate serums rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which further nourish your skin and contribute to a more even skin tone. Over time, regular facials can help reduce discoloration and promote a more balanced, harmonious complexion, making your skin not only feel smoother and softer but look it too.

Reduces Fine Lines

The gentle, soothing massage movements performed during a facial not only feel fantastic, but they also stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which aids in the removal of toxins and reduces puffiness. These actions combined with the use of anti-aging ingredients play a significant role in improving your skin's elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Many facial treatments also include a form of exfoliation, which accelerates the skin's natural process of shedding dead cells and making way for the new. This cellular renewal process is key in preventing and reducing fine lines. Additionally, the use of quality products during a facial, like those packed with antioxidants and peptides, can boost collagen production. Collagen is the skin's support structure, and an increase in its production leads to a more youthful, firmer, and plumper skin appearance, reducing the visibility of existing fine lines.

Prevents Acne

If you're prone to acne, facials can be a powerful tool in your skincare arsenal. A skilled aesthetician can perform deep pore cleansing techniques that regular at-home cleansing can't achieve. They'll gently extract the buildup of sebum and dead skin cells from your pores, which are often the precursors to acne lesions.

As well as this deep clean, facials often involve treatments that target acne-causing bacteria and help to regulate oil production, two crucial elements in preventing breakouts. The use of specific ingredients, such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, can further inhibit acne formation. The result? Clearer, healthier skin and improved confidence.

Different Types of Facials

Just like your wardrobe changes with the seasons, so do your skin's needs. Thankfully, the world of facials is vast, offering a multitude of treatments designed to address an array of skin concerns. From hydrating facials for parched skin to purifying facials for oily complexions, or anti-aging facials designed to boost collagen production, there's something for everyone.

There are also facials that use advanced technology, such as LED light therapy, to treat specific skin issues. Whether you're looking to calm rosacea, brighten a dull complexion, or soothe sensitive skin, there's a facial out there ready to cater to your specific needs.

Consider Your Skin Type

Choosing the right facial begins with a deep understanding of your skin type. Dry skin may need a hydrating facial packed with moisture-boosting ingredients, while oily skin might benefit from a facial that balances oil production and includes a deep cleanse. Sensitive skin types could be best suited to soothing, calming treatments, while a combination skin type may require a bespoke approach, targeting different areas with specific treatments.

Our team can help you determine your skin type if you're unsure, and recommend a facial treatment that will address your unique skin concerns. The result is a personalized skincare treatment.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a powerful ally in the quest for radiant, youthful skin. At MC Laser Clinic, we use a carefully selected chemical solution to gently exfoliate and peel away the top layer of your skin.

This treatment stimulates the growth of new, healthier skin and collagen, leading to a brighter and smoother complexion. It's particularly effective for tackling issues such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. But don't worry – it's not as intimidating as it sounds.

Our skilled professionals ensure a comfortable experience and guide you through the entire process.

AFA Peels

If you're looking to revitalize your skin and address issues such as age spots, acne scars, and other blemishes, AFA Peels could be the right choice for you. These peels are based on amino acid antioxidants that exfoliate the skin gently and effectively, promoting fresh, new skin growth.

Here at the clinic, we're big fans of AFA Peels for their ability to brighten and smoothen the skin, revealing a more youthful and vibrant complexion underneath. Suitable for all skin types, AFA Peels can be a powerful tool in your skincare routine, helping to keep your skin looking its best.

Specialized Treatments

Now, let's talk about the VIPs of the facial world: specialized treatments. These are the facials that go above and beyond to target specific skin concerns. Take the Fire & Ice Facial, for example.

This treatment uses a combination of heat and cooling techniques to resurface the skin, reducing fine lines and improving skin clarity. Or the SilkPeel Dermalinfusion, a 3-in-1 advanced skin-resurfacing treatment that simultaneously exfoliates, extracts, and infuses skin with condition-specific serums.

It's a personalized experience that addresses a range of skin concerns, from acne to hyperpigmentation, and leaves your skin feeling like, well, silk. Trust us, your skin will thank you.

How Often To Get A Facial

The frequency of your facials depends on your skin type, skin concerns, and personal goals. Generally, it's recommended to get a facial once a month, as this aligns with the skin's natural renewal cycle.

How To Prepare

Preparation is key to maximizing the benefits of your facial treatment at MC Laser Clinic. Start by arriving with clean, makeup-free skin.This allows our experts to accurately assess your skin's needs and ensures that treatments can penetrate deeply for optimal results.

In the days leading up to your appointment, it's best to avoid harsh skincare treatments, such as retinols or other exfoliants. These can make your skin more sensitive and could interfere with the effectiveness of your facial.

Also, consider your hydration; drinking plenty of water before your facial can help your skin to better absorb the products used during treatment.

Aftercare Tips

Post-treatment care is just as important as the facial itself. After a facial, your skin is often more sensitive to environmental factors, particularly the sun. Therefore, applying a high-SPF sunscreen is a must, even on cloudy days. It's also a good idea to let your skin breathe and recover after the treatment.

Try to avoid wearing makeup for at least a few hours, or even better, the rest of the day. This gives your skin the chance to fully absorb the products used during your facial and helps to prevent clogging your freshly cleaned pores. Remember, your skin has just been treated – now it's time to let it rest and reap the benefits.

The Takeaway

Facials are much more than a luxury indulgence. They're a commitment to your skin's health and beauty. So, why not treat yourself? Book a facial today and let your skin experience the benefits. It's time to glow from the inside out!

Women looking at a make mirror and removing her make up around her eyes with a make up removal pad

Reasons You Must Remove Makeup!

And The Problems That Can Come If You Don't

At this moment in human history, we're all about sustainability and saving the ecosystem, but have you ever considered that the tiniest ecosystem of all is thriving in the pores of your t-zone? The sebaceous glands in your face are home to a unique microhabitat called the skin microbiome. Keeping your skin looking fabulous is a matter of tending to that tiny world and keeping every element in balance—which begins when you remove makeup at the end of the day.

It's not enough to splash some water on those cheeks and call it a day. You also must remove your cosmetics properly to ensure everything stays squeaky clean. If not, you may notice skin problems ranging from excess oil to acne to signs of early aging.
Remember, the skin is an organ, and keeping it in great shape contributes to your overall health. At MC Laser Clinic, we want to help you care for your skin so you'll always look and feel your best.

Continue reading to learn the link between makeup removal and wellness and discover the makeup-removing products that will ensure you maintain healthy, glowing skin.

Why Taking Off Your Makeup Is So Important

The average human face is home to approximately 20,000 individual pores. They may be small, but each one is a tiny cavity where dirt, oil, and makeup can linger. This can cause irritation or become the site of small infections, impacting your overall health and appearance.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is going to bed with a full face of makeup and deciding to "wash it off in the morning." During the night, our bodies undergo cellular cleanup and waste removal. Washing your face before bed helps remove dead skin cells, improving this process and allowing you to wake up refreshed and renewed.

Even if you skipped the foundation and concealer, that doesn't mean it's fine to leave your eye makeup on. Not only does sleeping in eye makeup contribute to a puffy appearance, but it's also a frequent cause of eye infections like conjunctivitis. If you don't remove your mascara, it can make your lashes brittle, leading to unattractive breakage.

Here are some other reasons to ensure your face is squeaky clean before hitting the hay.

Prevents Acne and Skin Problems

While some acne is genetic, a lot of adult acne is entirely preventable with a proper skincare routine.

Your skin is naturally thirsty and looks its best when it's plump and hydrated. That's why our bodies produce oil. It's the body's attempt to keep things lubricated, adding an attractive glow.

If you leave makeup on, it can create a barrier, trapping oils beneath the skin, clogging pores, and causing breakouts. It prevents your skin from "breathing" and undergoing necessary cell renewal processes. This causes blackheads, blemishes, acne breakouts, and other skin problems.

Removing cosmetics is one of our most essential makeup tips because healthy skin always makes a more attractive canvas.

Preserving The Skin Barrier

The skin barrier is the outermost layer of the skin—the part we see. Keeping that part healthy means keeping everything underneath healthy, too. You need a healthy skin barrier to keep in the good and keep out the bad.

Not only can leaving makeup on overnight prevent natural oils from dispersing, but it can also prevent your makeup-removing products from seeping in. Think of leftover makeup like a tiny plug, barring access to your pores. Instead of permeating and doing its job, your moisturizer and other products will sit on top, which doesn't help anybody.

Plus, leaving makeup on introduces irritants to this essential layer of skin. When you keep healthy oils in and irritants out, your skin immediately begins to look better. More importantly, you'll ensure the health of an essential source of fortification, so your skin will look younger, too.

How To Properly Remove Makeup

When makeup removal is a regular part of your evening skincare routine, you'll improve the effectiveness of your other skincare products. Thus, removing makeup correctly can save you time in the long run. Consider it an investment in your health and confidence.
Proper makeup removal means complete makeup removal. Follow these steps.

  • Tie your hair back to expose your entire face
  • Remove the superficial layer of makeup with wipes, if necessary
  • Wash your face with a makeup-removing cleanser, cleansing oil, or balm
  • Give extra attention to your eyes and eyelids
  • Clean up your hairline, pushing hair back if necessary
  • Moisturize, including the application of lip balm and eye cream

Every skincare routine will look slightly different, as every skin type demands unique products. Regardless, the goal should always be to remove as much makeup as possible while remaining gentle. Moisturizing at the end will ensure you counteract any products with drying properties and leave your skin dewy and hydrated.

Pick The Right Products For Your Skin

Remember when we told you that your skin is its own ecosystem? No two environments are quite the same. All skin has unique needs, and the best way to address them is to start with products that support your skin biome and allow the entire system to thrive.

Skin Types and Concerns

The first step toward choosing products is understanding your skin type and concerns. It can be helpful to consult with an esthetician for an informed evaluation. A professional at MC Laser Clinic will serve as your makeup guide, helping you identify your unique skin care needs and matching you with products that work.

When we discuss skin types, we're referring to the amount of oil naturally occurring in your skin. Poor skincare can sometimes shift this balance, so this isn't necessarily obvious! Your skin type might be oily, dry, a combination (oily t-zone with dry cheeks), or normal.
Skin concerns might include some of the following:

  • Sun damage
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Scarring
  • Large pores
  • Low elasticity
  • Redness
  • Unique pigmentation

You should also consider your skin sensitivity level when choosing products. Many cleansers come in sensitive formulas. This can reduce irritation and improve the appearance of your skin.

We'll discuss a few of your product options below.

Cleansing Balm

A cleansing balm is an oil-based makeup remover.

Have you ever had to clean up an oil spill or remove an oil splotch from your favourite shirt? You might have used an oil-based product to absorb the mess. Because oil absorbs oil, a cleansing balm can be an excellent, gentle option for anyone with oily or combination skin.

A balm is great for removing a full face of makeup, especially if you're using a stubborn formula, such as waterproof mascara, sunscreen, or all-day foundation.

Makeup Wipes

Makeup wipes are single-use removal products that come pre-soaked in a cleanser or makeup remover. They include surfactants and emulsifiers that bring makeup to the surface. While these chemicals get the job done, you'll need to wash your face after use to ensure they don't linger and seep into your pores.

With that in mind, consider makeup wipes a first step in makeup removal, but not the end of the process. You should consider "double-cleansing" or using a face wash to remove anything the wipes leave behind.

Wipes can sometimes cause irritation, so they're an excellent choice for travel, but they may not be ideal for sensitive skin or everyday use.

Cleansing Oil

Cleansing oil is another oil-based makeup removal product. Oils don't contain the same surfactants and emulsifiers found in makeup wipes and most off-the-shelf facial cleansers. They attract the oil-based ingredients in your makeup, dissolving them rather than simply bringing them to the surface.

A fragrance-free cleansing oil can be appropriate for nearly any skin type or sensitivity level, making it one of the most versatile makeup removal options. If you're prone to acne, you might still wish to double-cleanse with an acne-fighting face soap.

Cleansing oils also tend to add natural moisture to your skin, which can eliminate a step in your skincare routine if you're travelling or short on time.

The Takeaway

Keeping your pores squeaky clean should be a regular component of your daily skincare routine. We know you're busy, and it might seem easier to crawl into bed and deal with it in the morning, but we hope you'll reconsider. The easiest way to begin caring for your skin is to get up, grab those wipes, and remove makeup completely at the end of the day.

If you're unsure about your skin type or which products will help keep your face glowing, the professionals at MC Laser Clinic are here to help. We offer a range of services that will leave your stunning skin looking refreshed so you're ready to show it off to the world. Book an appointment and see what it feels like to make healthy, glowing skin a priority.

Women looking into the mirror and doing her skin care routine in the morning before getting the day started

Why Sticking to a Skincare Routine is Important

Canadian seasons can be rough on your skin. You might end summer with dewy skin, only for it to become itchy and dry as soon as the temperature plummets. It can be challenging to stay on top of taking care of your skin and ensuring it looks its best all year long.

Incorporating a skin care routine into your morning and nighttime habits is a great way to nourish your skin. Your skin is your body's largest organ. You need to give it as much attention as you give the rest of your body.

Your skin works hard to protect you from pollutants and other harmful materials every day. This guide will discuss why implementing and adhering to a skin care routine is important.

Why You Need a Skin Care Routine

A regular skin care routine will ensure you have healthy and beautiful skin for many years. Personalize your routine to fit your needs and skin type.

Maintain Healthy Skin

It takes time to achieve an amazing glow. A clear complexion and reduced wrinkles don't happen overnight, either. Sticking to a consistent routine each day will help ensure your skin gets the nourishment it needs.

Your skin also changes every day. That's because the outer layer sheds so the new skin underneath can appear. Failing to shed old skin cells will result in your complexion looking dull.

In addition to your regular skin care routine, you'll also want to get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliating. You can do this a few times a week.

Preventing Skin Conditions

Many people suffer from various skin conditions. Some of these include:

  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Alopecia
  • Rosacea
  • Contact dermatitis

You can tailor your skin care routine to address any condition you might be dealing with. You can either treat the symptoms of a condition, or if possible, prevent it from occurring in the first place. Speaking with a health care professional can help you determine if you have one of these conditions, and how best to treat or prevent it.

How to Pick a Skin Care Routine

There are two things you should consider when picking a skin care routine. A great routine should address the following:

  • Cleansing
  • Toning
  • Moisturising

There is a wide range of products that can be incorporated into your routine based on these factors.

Consider Your Skin Type

Care for different skin types varies on whether your skin is dry, oily, or a combination of the two. Research to find the best products for your skin type.

The Types of Products

Figuring out the difference between serums and face oils can be challenging, especially for beginners. Let's discuss the different types of products you might look into.


Cleansing your face twice a day should be the first step in your routine. You need to do it to remove the following from your skin:

  • Pollutants
  • Dirt
  • Bacteria

Your cleanser is the foundation of your routine. Using the incorrect cleanser could either leave your skin feeling too oily or too dry.

Follow these tips for purchasing the right cleanser:

  • Oily Skin: Gel cleanser with lactic acid
  • Dry Skin: Mild cleanser for dry/sensitive skin or micellar water
  • Combination Skin: A lightweight creamy or gel cleanser


As we mentioned earlier, sloughing off dead skin cells will reveal new and healthy skin underneath. An exfoliator is a device or product that removes old skin cells. You can choose from manual or chemical exfoliators.

A manual or physical exfoliator removes dead skin cells using mechanical force. Chemical exfoliators use ingredients like glycolic or salicylic acid to dissolve dead skin cells.

Both methods are effective at helping your skin shed old skin cells. They also open up your pores, helping them get cleaned out. You'll notice less inflammation and acne when you exfoliate.

If you have sensitive or dry skin, avoid manual exfoliation and opt for something like glycolic acid. Look for labels that indicate a product is good for sensitive or dry skin.

Acne-prone and oily skin can also benefit from exfoliation. Try soaking a facial pad with salicylic acid. This method can also prevent and treat acne breakouts.


Make sure you apply your toner after you cleanse your skin and before you apply moisturizers or serums. You'll want to find a toner with the following ingredients:

  • Salicylic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • BHAs

These ingredients work together to balance your skin. They can also remove skin layers your exfoliator missed.

The best way to apply toners is by spraying them onto a cotton pad. Swipe the pad across your face. You'll notice leftover makeup and dead skin cells on the pad.


Serums should get applied before you moisturize. Think of serums as vitamins for your skin. The moisturizer is the drink of water you take to swallow the vitamins.

Moisturizers, like lotions and face creams, create a barrier on top of your skin to keep all of the good stuff in. Serums penetrate the deep layers of your skin.

Serums are packed full of nutrients and other high-potency ingredients. These items work together to give your skin a boost. The most common ingredients in facial serums include:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Natural extracts, like acai berries and aloe vera
  • Ceramides
  • Retinol
  • AHAs
  • BHAs

You can apply serums at night so they do their work while you sleep.


Applying your moisturizer after the other steps will ensure you won't need to use as much of it. You should apply a moisturizer to your entire body, not just your face.

The type of moisturizer you pick is also dependent on your skin type. A thick ointment is a good choice if you have dry or itchy skin.

Creams are a great option if you have normal skin. That's because they're more lightweight and can help hydrate. Lotions are the lightest of them all and an excellent match for oily skin.


You'll want to apply a moisturizer with sunscreen in it no matter your skin type or colour. Shoot for an option that has at least SPF 30. Wear sunscreen all year long, no matter what the weather is outside.

Some sunscreens are oily and might clog your pores. That's why you should try to find a moisturizer that has sunscreen in it. It'll be better formulated to protect your skin without overpowering it.

Eye Cream

Many people suffer from dark circles under their eyes. They might feel self-conscious about fine lines and wrinkles around their eyes as well. If this is the case, you can incorporate an eye cream into your morning and nighttime routine.

You might want to explore a hydrating eye cream for your morning application. Try an anti-aging eye cream in the evening. Those products are usually heavier, making them a great choice to wear while you sleep.

The Changes You Will Notice

You'll notice amazing benefits once you implement a morning and nighttime skin care routine. Let's talk about some of the most common ones.

Improved Hydration

Being hydrated from the inside out is key to a glowing and healthy complexion. When you implement a multi-step skin care routine, you're ensuring that your skin stays moisturized and hydrated. Your skin will also look plump, which can help you appear more youthful.

A Boost in Confidence

When your skin looks healthy, you'll feel the same way. Your skin will look younger, helping you feel more confident.

Your mental health will also get a boost when your skin is healthy. You'll feel great every time you look in the mirror, instead of dreading what you might see.

Decreased Signs of Aging

Many high-quality skin care products include ingredients that reduce the signs of aging and dark spots. These ingredients work together to increase collagen production. A boost in your skin's collagen production will work to slow down the signs of aging on your skin.

Some of these signs include:

  • Enlarged pores
  • Discolouration
  • Fine lines
  • Age spots
  • Dullness

Easier to Take Care of Your Skin

You won't have to deal with as many pimples and other skin conditions when you have healthy skin. Staying on top of your routine will keep your skin nurtured. It'll be more resistant to irritations, injury, and other changes.

The Takeaway

Starting a morning and nighttime skin care routine is important for your health and wellness. It's also a great opportunity to work some self-care into your day. Use a jade roller or another facial massage tool to help you apply your skin care products.

The staff at MC Laser Clinic and Hair Salon provides innovative and restorative services for your skin. From facials to AFA Peels to dermaplaning, you'll find a treatment that works for you. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Improve Acne Scarring With Microneedling

Have you heard of microneedling? It’s a facial treatment designed to promote collagen and elastin production. This is great news for the 5.6 million Canadians who struggle with acne and the subsequent scars that can come after a big breakout.

Do you feel there’s no hope against the onslaught of acne scars on your face? Stop battling with your complexion and start enjoying the benefits of microneedling sessions.

This incredible skincare treatment helps with skin discolouration due to age or natural pigmentation and reduces acne scars.

Read on as we explore why microneedling can be one of the most effective solutions to acne scarring.

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a skin rejuvenation treatment that uses tiny needles to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

This safe and effective procedure helps reduce the appearance of:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Scarring
  • Enlarged pores
  • Other skin imperfections associated with aging

It also encourages new cell growth and healthier skin, and increases overall facial volume. If that sounds great, then sit tight. We're not done talking about the benefits of microneedling just yet.

It also helps to:

  • Restore hydration
  • Improve elasticity and firmness of the skin
  • Increase cellular turnover
  • Even out skin tone

The result is a more youthful-looking complexion. How does it work? The needles used are very thin, so minimal discomfort or pain should be involved. Professional microneedling usually takes around 30 minutes at a clinic or salon.

If you book a professional home visit, it can take a bit longer due to preparation that requires additional time.

How Microneedling Helps Acne Scarring

So, now that we know how microneedling works, how does it help acne scarring? Unlike laser treatments or chemical peels that get rid of the top layer of skin on your face, the biggest benefit of microneedling is that it stimulates collagen production.

This new collagen production can help fill in indented acne scars and result in a smoother overall complexion. Additionally, microneedling encourages your skin cells to produce more hyaluronic acid. This can lead to brighter and fuller skin over time.

With regular microneedling treatments and proper aftercare, you can see improvements in the appearance of your acne scars (both in terms of a reduction in scarring as well as a more filled in look).

If you currently struggle with acne or scarring, here's what to know before booking your microneedling sessions.

Can You Get Microneedling On Acne?

Unfortunately, it's not the best treatment if you're currently suffering from an acne breakout. Although microneedling is an effective treatment for reducing acne scars and other forms of scarring, individuals with open acne lesions shouldn't undergo the procedure.

Additionally, people with skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema may not be ideal candidates for microneedling. This is because the needles might irritate the skin or lead to infections if you have open sores.

With that in mind, it's always best to consult your local dermatologist or skincare clinic. We offer microneedling in Ottawa for people of all ages and skin types. If you have questions about whether or not you can reduce acne with microneedling, then get in touch. One of our skincare experts can assess your situation and provide recommendations accordingly.

What is The Microneedling Process?

The microneedling process is relatively quick and easy.

First, your specialist will likely apply a numbing cream to reduce discomfort. Then, they'll use a specialized tool that creates tiny punctures on the skin. And, yes, we're talking tiny punctures (they're so small you can't even see them, and most of the time, you won't feel a thing).

Depending on the area being treated and the complexity of the microneedling, this process usually only lasts 10 to 20 minutes. If necessary, they might also apply a special cream or serum to stop any bleeding should it occur.

The best part? Microneedling has minimal recovery time. This means you can return to your daily activities soon after treatment. However, you will want to ensure you wear sunscreen as your skin will be extra sensitive; avoid direct sunlight as much as possible immediately after the treatment (and the few days following).

Consider Your Skin Conditions

Are you ready to book your microneedling session? Wait one second. Before you book anything, it's important to consult a professional to ensure you're in good health and don't have any pre-existing conditions.

Not all skin types are suitable for microneedling, so understanding your current skin condition can help you decide if it's the right choice. If you suffer from certain skin issues, such as cold sores or rosacea, microneedling can exacerbate the condition and make it worse.

The bottom line? Microneedling effectively reduces acne scars, but it's not the best solution for everybody's skin type or skin condition.

The Benefits of Microneedling

You know that microneedling helps stimulate collagen production. That's the main benefit of this skincare treatment. Aside from its ability to help your body produce more collagen, what else can you expect to enjoy after a few microneedling sessions? Here is a comprehensive list of all of the benefits of microneedling.

Reduce Acne Scars

As the micro needles pass over a scarred skin area, they create tiny channels that help encourage natural healing processes. As the body's healing processes occur, any wrinkles or acne scars on the skin's surface become reduced, leaving you with a smoother and healthier-looking complexion.

Increase Collagen Production

Collagen is an important protein in our skin that gives it structure and strength.

Over time, collagen begins to break down, and when microneedling is used, this process can be reversed as new collagen fibres are built. As microneedling targets deep layers of the skin to create new collagen fibres, it helps reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles on the surface layer.

Improve Skin Texture & Tone

With microneedling, most people can experience a more vibrant, healthier complexion with renewed elasticity, improved texture, less discolouration, and fewer fine lines. How does that work, though?

Microneedling creates microscopic wounds on the skin's surface, prompting the body to respond by producing new cells and increasing blood flow. Consequently, most patients notice brighter, smoother skin after microneedling, thanks to enhanced cell turnover and improved circulation.

Reduce Large Pores

Struggle with large pores? While that's usually due to genetics, microneedling treatments offer a safe and effective way to reduce enlarged pores on the skin.

By triggering our skin's natural wound-healing response, microneedling increases the production and distribution of collagen in the area treated. This allows for a plumping effect. The result? Tightened, smaller pores.

Eliminate Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Finally, microneedling can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As the micropunctures heal, the new collagen tightens the skin. It also helps produce brand-new skin cells, which results in a more youthful complexion.

What to Expect After A Session

Now, what can you expect during and after the session?

During a microneedling session, you might experience slight discomfort from the needles. It should feel like a slight pinch for most people. After the microneedling has finished, your skin may appear red or slightly swollen for up to 24 hours, but this should subside shortly after.

You may also notice some light peeling on the day or days following the procedure. Don't worry! That's an expected outcome. It should typically fade within a few days of microneedling.

Overall, microneedling is an excellent way to give your skin a gentle reawakening and achieve long-term results with improved texture and tone. With little downtime and few side effects, it's a great way to help improve your skin's texture while reducing acne scars overall.

Microneedling Aftercare Tips

After microneedling, your skin will be sensitive, so you'll want to avoid any activities that could damage your skin or create irritation.

Avoid sun exposure and wear a hat or sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily. Avoiding heavy makeup and facial creams can also help keep your skin safe and healthy as it heals from microneedling.

You should also wash the treatment area with a gentle face wash twice daily, be sure not to scrub or cleanse too harshly. Lastly, moisturizing frequently can help keep the skin hydrated and reduce irritation from microneedling.

Following these tips can help ensure optimal microneedling results!

How Many Microneedling Sessions Do You Need?

Unfortunately, there's no magic number here. The number of microneedling sessions you need to achieve your desired results will depend on a variety of factors, such as:

  • The severity of your skin condition
  • How deep your acne scars are
  • Your skin type
  • The particular microneedling procedure you're getting

Generally speaking, most microneedling treatments usually require 4-6 sessions. Some dermatologists may recommend you space your sessions out every four to six weeks, while others recommend going every three months or so.

As you can see, the recommendations vary quite a bit. That's why it's important to talk to a medical professional before deciding on any treatment. They'll be able to best advise you on the number of microneedling sessions you need to get the best results.

Schedule Your Microneedling Consultation

Are you ready to reduce acne scars with microneedling?

At MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon, we offer some of the best microneedling services in Ottawa. To start your skincare journey with us, book an appointment now.

How AviClear Can Help Your Acne Problems

Do you have acne that doesn't seem to go away no matter what product you try? Wondering if there’s anything out there that can help give you the clear skin you crave? AviClear laser treatments might be perfect for you.

Following the United States FDA approval, Canada Health officially approved AviClear in the summer of 2022, making it the only energy device that’s government-approved to treat mild to severe acne.

This non-invasive, revolutionary treatment is designed specifically for acne sufferers and promises dramatic improvements in a relatively short time. Plus, with minimal side effects or discomfort, this might be your complexion's much-awaited solution.

Read on to learn more about how AviClear can end your acne problems once and for all.

What is AviClear?

This revolutionary treatment makes gaining clear, healthy skin easier without compromising comfort or convenience. Simply put, AviClear is revolutionising how we treat acne and giving us a new solution to keep our complexion looking its best. But what is AviClear?

First, it's important to note that AviClear differs from other skin treatments for acne scars, including microneedling or chemical peels.

Instead of relying on microneedles or chemical solutions, AviClear uses revolutionary laser technology to treat mild, moderate, and severe acne before it forms. In three sessions about three to four weeks apart, AviClear targets and suppresses the sebaceous gland (which secretes the skin's oil) on a microscopic level, ensuring successful results safely and effectively.

How Does AviClear It Work?

To understand how AviClear works, it’s important to know how acne forms in the first place. The combination of sebum (the skin's oil) and dead skin cells (usually) causes acne. Both clog pores and lead to breakouts. That's where AviClear comes into play.

AviClear directly targets sebum production, unlike other treatments focusing on individual problems or effects of acne while ignoring its root cause. How does it suppress sebum production and help clear up your skin?

The 1726 nm wavelength laser harnesses the power of laser light to selectively target and suppress sebaceous glands, providing customizable results without needing prescription medications.

Thus, AviClear works quickly and effectively to reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation caused by acne breakouts.

What Sets AviClear Apart From Other Lasers?

Unlike other treatments, AviClear does not simply treat active breakouts — it also suppresses the production of future ones.

This is what makes this acne treatment so effective and unique. Instead of helping clear up current flare ups or eliminating acne scars caused by previous ones, AviClear helps clear your skin up and leaves it in great condition to prevent future acne issues.

Likewise, it's important to note that AviClear differs from other laser treatments, such as laser resurfacing treatments.

Traditional laser resurfacing treatments use different lasers to treat the skin's surface layer, not the sebaceous glands. Laser resurfacing treatments use laser light to remove the top layers of skin delicately.

You know, the areas with wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. This helps to even out skin tone and reduce these signs of aging and sun damage.

During laser resurfacing, laser energy is absorbed by water molecules in your skin. This causes the outer layer of your skin tissue to be gently heated and vaporized, revealing younger-looking tissue underneath.

As laser resurfacing treatments are highly targeted, they can provide long-lasting results with minimal risk of damaging healthy tissues.

However, that doesn't typically mean they'll work to clear up active acne and prevent future flare ups.

What Level Of Acne Is Treatable With AviClear?

Are you worried that your acne is "too bad" to be able to benefit from AviClear? Don't be! AviClear is approved to treat mild, moderate, and severe acne. How do you know what type of acne you have?

Mild acne can present as occasional breakouts, with black and whiteheads being the primary issue. An increased frequency of breakouts can identify moderate acne, sometimes accompanied by red or pink bumps.

Severe acne usually presents itself with severe inflammation, likely resulting in painful:

  • Cysts
  • Nodules
  • Pustules

AviClear is the perfect device to help reduce the symptoms of all levels of acne — mild, moderate, or severe.

With FDA-clearing in the US, Canada Health clearing here, and numerous clinical trials conducted to understand the effectiveness and enhance consumer safety, you can rest assured this treatment is suitable as a high-quality acne treatment.

How Long Do AviClear Results Last?

On average, those who undergo three AviClear treatments experience a clear complexion for up to 12 months. However, remember that results are individual. For example, some clinical trial participants said their results lasted as long as two years after their last treatment session.

The main point? AviClear brings long-term relief from skin issues like acne and scarring, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their complexion. While it's not 100% permanent in preventing all future breakouts forever, it's a fantastic treatment option for those tired of dealing with acne.

Who Should Try AviClear?

If you've gotten this far, chances are you're interested in AviClear acne treatment. However, you might wonder if it's the right treatment option. Simply put, AviClear is a great option for anyone with acne.

Overall, AviClear acne treatment is a perfect solution for anyone who wants to get rid of acne without using harsh chemicals or prescriptions. AviClear is also suitable for people with normal, combination, oily, and sensitive skin types.

The Benefits of AviClear

Clear skin sounds great, right? Absolutely.

However, there's more to AviClear than just clear skin. Part of the reason so many patients love this laser treatment option is because of the painless nature of the process and the fact that they enjoy long-lasting results.

If you're still on the fence about booking your AviClear consultation to help solve your acne problems, read through these four main benefits of AviClear.

Treats Active Acne

The last thing you want when dealing with acne breakouts is the promise of it getting better in the future. You want immediate relief from active acne. That's what AviClear provides. You don't need to wait until your flare-up is over to book an appointment.


If convenience is key for you, then you'll love AviClear. The treatments are easy to access. All they require are three simple 30-minute sessions over three consecutive months.

So, you don't have to worry about heading into a clinic every week or spending hours dealing with painful lasers, needles, or peels.


AviClear is painless and easy to tolerate. You may notice a slight snapping sensation during treatment. However, most patients don't find the sensation to be painful.

And we're not just saying that based on experience!

Clinical studies show that patients got through the entire treatment session without pain relief or having to stop.

Long-Lasting Results

While other treatments may offer temporary improvement in acne, AviClear is different. It works to target the cause of acne instead of just addressing its symptoms.

With AviClear, you can feel confident that you are taking proactive steps to give yourself healthy, clear skin that lasts at least 9 to 12 months.

Are There Side Effects of AviClear?

The idea of having a laser near your face sounds daunting to most. We get it. However, AviClear has minimal downtime and side effects.

After an AviClear session, some people experience slight redness or mild acne flare-ups, but don't worry. This is expected and will fade quickly. You can typically return to your regular activities shortly after finishing your treatment.

This means it's an outpatient procedure with virtually no downtime, extreme swelling, or redness.

What to Expect During AviClear Treatment

Seeing as there's virtually no pain involved with AviClear, what can you expect during the treatment? Before discussing the treatment process, let's discuss some preparation tips.

If you have facial hair, you should shave it beforehand. You should also stop using topical retinoids for two days before the AviClear treatment. Then, arrive with a clean face.

Before the AviClear laser treatment begins, your technician will use an acetone wipe to degrease your skin. Typically, we don't apply numbing cream as it can affect how the laser interacts with your skin.

Following this, we'll soak gauze pads in water and place them over your whole face. Why? Wetting helps promote even cooling across the treated area. Finally, the AviClear treatment itself commences. Please sit back and relax as we work our magic.

The result is reduced redness and acne breakouts. You'll also likely notice an improved skin tone overall. Don't worry if you don't see results straight away. Some people see results a few weeks or months after the final treatment.

AviClear Aftercare Tips

For AviClear to be effective, there are certain aftercare tips to follow. Immediately post-treatment, we will apply a mineral sunscreen. You should continue using this sunscreen daily.

The next morning, you may wash your face with a mild cleanser. However, avoid direct sunlight or extreme heat for a few days. Be mindful of skin irritants in the following three to five days. If you can, avoid using harsh exfoliants until your AviClear treatment process is complete.

Following these aftercare tips will ensure maximum results and leave you with glowing and vibrant skin.

Schedule An AviClear Consultation Now

At MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon, we want to help you feel comfortable in your skin. Our AviClear acne treatments are the perfect way to get the clear complexion you deserve.

All it takes is a simple consultation, and you could be on your way to smoother, healthier-looking skin. Don't wait any longer! Get in touch with us today for a personal AviClear acne treatment plan.

How To Handle Your Eczema In Cold Weather?

Tips For Controlling Eczema

An estimated 17% of Canadians suffer from certain forms of eczema during their lifetime. You might find yourself asking, "What is eczema?" Eczema is an irritating skin condition that can flare up due to a variety of factors.

There is often more than one cause of eczema. From cold weather to certain skin products, getting eczema is common for a variety of reasons. Thankfully, there are several effective and inexpensive treatments for this condition.

Find out everything you need to know about eczema below.

What Is Eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition that leaves your skin feeling dry, itchy, and very sensitive. When you have eczema, you will often have a red, scaly rash where it itches. Eczema can affect any part of your skin, however, it is particularly common on the arms and legs.

Your skin will usually crack when you have eczema and you may find it difficult to resist scratching it. Excessive scratching could cause your skin to bleed slightly too, so don't be alarmed if this happens. However, scratching can make your eczema feel itchier, so it is best to avoid it if you can.

Eczema is usually a chronic skin condition and may become more irritated during different periods of the year or in different locations. It is an exceptionally common skin condition.


There are various symptoms of eczema. These include:

  • Red skin rash
  • Scaly skin
  • Dry or cracked skin
  • Itchiness
  • Flaky skin
  • Inflamed skin
  • Bleeding caused by a lot of scratching

What Causes It?

Eczema's specific cause is unknown, however, it is obvious that there are several contributing factors.

Atopic dermatitis frequently develops in individuals with allergies. These can include animal allergies, food allergies, or pollen and dust allergies.

Eczema symptoms are frequently brought on by various factors, including body lotions, laundry detergents, stress, and other environmental triggers.

It can be genetic and frequently appears in conjunction with other illnesses like hay fever, asthma, and osteoporosis.

Very occasionally, eczema may be triggered by certain foods if you happen to be allergic to them. To see if a certain food makes your symptoms worse, you might be requested to keep a food journal. This will help to correlate your eczema with eating certain foods. You can also see an allergist for testing.

Is It Eczema Or Just Dry Skin?

While dry skin can be irritating, especially in cold weather, it is very different from eczema. Eczema is a chronic health condition that can be triggered by various stimuli. Dry skin is caused by a lack of moisturizer, dehydration, or adverse weather conditions, and is easily solved. Eczema care is more complicated.

Eczema can appear as a red, itchy rash, patches of thick or leathery skin, itchy blisters, or darkened patches of skin (hyperpigmentation). If you are unsure whether you have eczema or dry skin, see a health care professional.

There are various types of eczema. They are:

All these forms of eczema are treatable. They each have a variety of specific symptoms and causes.

Why Do The Symptoms Get Worse When It's Cold?

If your eczema is particularly bad during the winter months, you might be wondering "can cold trigger eczema?" The simple answer is yes. Cold weather triggers eczema because it dries out the skin, resulting in further flakiness, dryness, and itchiness.

The best climate for eczema is usually one that strikes a good balance between dry and humid. Warmer environments also tend to be better for eczema-prone skin, however, overly hot areas should be avoided as they can irritate eczema too.

Seasonal eczema is very irritating for many people. As your skin constantly has to acclimatize from chilly outside weather to warm and cozy interiors, it can really make your eczema flare up. Make sure you follow the treatment tips below for dealing with eczema in cold weather.

Tips For Dealing With Eczema In Cold Weather

If you suffer from eczema, you'll be happy to learn there are plenty of treatment options for it. In cold weather, there are also certain steps you can take to make sure your skin is as healthy as possible and your eczema doesn't flare up.

Avoid Hot Baths

You might think that a nice, hot bath would be just the thing for warming your skin up in cold weather. However, a hot bath could actually make your eczema much worse.

Hot water will strip away all the oils your skin needs to protect itself against the cold. This causes your skin to lose moisture rapidly and can dry out your eczema even more.

Not only will this prolong the time it takes for your eczema to heal, but it will also make your skin more itchy and red.

Use Thick Moisturizer

Dryness can certainly irritate eczema. It causes great discomfort and can make it easier for eczema symptoms to worsen.

Moisturizer is the key to maintaining the skin barrier and keeping your skin hydrated, especially in the colder months. Find a thick moisturizer free from scents, too many chemicals, or colours, and apply it often.

When you have eczema, it's a good idea to apply moisturizer over your whole body, not just the area affected by eczema. This can stop eczema from cropping up on other parts of your body.

Watch How You Dress!

Certain fabrics can cause your eczema to flare up rapidly. Nylons and wool are particularly nasty culprits when it comes to irritating eczema. This is frustrating for many people during the winter, as wool especially is great for layering and insulation.

If you plan to wear wool or nylon, it is a good idea to wear a long-sleeved cotton shirt underneath. Cotton tends to be mild on eczema and should provide a protective barrier between your skin and itchy fabrics.

Get The Humidifier Out

Cold and dry air is something anyone who suffers from eczema wants to avoid. A humidifier will effectively add some much-needed moisture back into the air, leading to less dryness and less severe eczema symptoms.

Stay Hydrated

As you might have guessed, dehydration is not good for eczema, as it will make your skin dryer. Staying hydrated is particularly important in the winter when the cold air is very harsh on your skin.

Try to take a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go. You can also get a dual benefit from drinking warm beverages like tea. They will heat you up and ensure that you and your skin stay super hydrated throughout the day.

Hydration like wet wrap therapy is an important eczema treatment. It restores your skin and helps it recover after a bout of itchiness and scratching. Another great product to remedy the itchiness and imflamation caused by eczema is the iS Clinical Sheald Recovery Balm.

Stock Up On Vitamin D

When the sun hides out for the winter months, our bodies have a hard time getting the vitamin D that they need. Vitamin D is very important for your immune system and for activating immune responses.

Because eczema may be brought on by allergens, it's important to ensure your immune system is in the best possible shape. Having a good supply of vitamin D is one way you can stay healthy, especially when it comes to your skin. Vitamin D is available in supplement forms and is often added to foods such as milk.

Avoid Fragrances

As it's winter, you might be expecting to receive some presents. Some of these gifts could be perfumes or aftershaves. While these are always a nice treat, spraying them directly on your skin will irritate it, so it's best to avoid using these products.

Scented lotions, soaps, and detergents might also negatively affect your eczema. Use gentle versions of these products designed for sensitive skin to avoid making your eczema any worse.

Treatments That Might Help With Eczema

On top of the tips above, you should also seek professional treatment for your eczema. One place to do so is at MC Laser Clinic and Hair Salon. You'll find a range of services offered to help treat eczema from highly trained salon specialists.

You might benefit from our skin analysis. This analysis will help to uncover your skin issues and decide upon the best course of treatment.

Products For Treating Eczema

As well as a thick moisturizer and humidifier, there are professional care products that are useful for the treatment of eczema.

Tizo Skincare offers a line mineral-based sunscreens and lip balms. Mineral-based products are recommended for people with eczema since they tend to have fewer chemical ingredients.

The Eczema Treatment Takeaway

So, what is eczema? Eczema is a skin condition that causes itchiness and irritation along with other symptoms. Now that you know the various causes of eczema, you will be better able to seek treatment for it.

While some home remedies can be good for eczema, sometimes seeing a professional is the best way to combat it. A skin therapist or dermatologist will give you the best solutions to keep your skin happy and healthy during the winter season.

For more information on eczema and skin care treatments, contact us today. Our team of specially trained therapists is ready and waiting to discuss your skin, hair, and beauty requirements with you.

Rosacea And The Winter

Tips For Avoiding Rosacea Flare-Ups This Season

Winter is the time for hot cocoa and holiday jingles. However, for some of us, 'tis the season for redness and rosacea flare-ups. If you suffer from rosacea, your skin may become more aggravated during the winter, even with mild weather conditions.

Luckily, there are some great ways to manage rosacea in the winter so you can enjoy the season. That's why we've created this helpful guide for the best winter rosacea treatment. Read on to find out more.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that usually occurs on the face. This skin condition is more common in people with lighter skin and women. However, men tend to experience worse symptoms.

Rosacea manifests as an intense redness on the cheeks and bumps that look like acne. It can look like you have a permanent blush across your cheeks and nose. Sometimes, blushing can occur on the ears, neck, head, and chest.


Aside from redness, broken blood vessels may bloom through your skin. Here are some other symptoms of rosacea to look out for:

  • Burning or stinging sensation on the skin
  • Dry or rough skin
  • Swollen and sensitive skin
  • Large pores
  • Bumps that look like acne
  • Broken blood vessels on eyelids
  • Bumps on eyelids
  • Dry eyes
  • Vision problems, and
  • A swollen nose, sometimes shaped like a bulb

While rosacea is a long-term skin condition, you will have good and bad days. Sometimes, your symptoms may flare up and fade after a few weeks before returning.

What Causes Rosacea?

No one knows the exact cause of rosacea, and scientists are still looking for answers. However, there have been some clues, like genetics. Many people who suffer from rosacea say it is a condition that also affects family members.

Researchers also discovered that people with rosacea react to a bacterium known as bacillus oleronius. Contact with this bacterium causes the immune system to go into overdrive. Scientists found this bacterium inside a Demodex mite, which is another possible cause of rosacea.

This mite lives on the skin and does not usually cause harm to anyone. However, some people could be sensitive to these mites. Some people with rosacea may also have a large population of these mites living on their skin.

How Is It Different from Acne?

Acne and rosacea look similar, and both affect the face. People often confuse these two skin conditions, but some key differences set them apart.

While rosacea affects women and sometimes men, acne doesn't discriminate between genders. In addition, acne often affects adolescents but can affect people regardless of age. On the other hand, rosacea usually affects people between the ages of 30 and 60.

Facial bumps in rosacea appear as your skin gets more inflamed.

Acne comes with lesions and blackheads. Dryness is a common symptom of rosacea, while acne causes the skin to increase oil production due to sebaceous glands.

What to Do if You Have Rosacea

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for rosacea. However, here are a few things you can do to minimize flare-ups and symptoms.

Watch Your Diet

Anything that can increase blood flow to the skin's surface can aggravate symptoms. For you, this could mean adjusting your diet. Any spicy ingredients, like paprika, curry, or pepper, can cause the blood vessels to dilate. This is what results in flushing.

Substituting these for other ingredients like basil or oregano can also help. Using these ingredients will allow you to avoid redness without sacrificing flavor.

Fruits are full of good nutrients and antioxidants, so it's hard to believe they can be bad for your skin. However, some fruits, like pineapple, tomatoes, and strawberries, are also high in histamine.

Histamine relaxes your blood vessels, resulting in flare-ups. It's also best to avoid inflammatory foods like dairy. Triggers are different for everyone, so it's best to identify what yours are first. You may not have to say goodbye to your favorite foods after all.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Sudden temperature changes are a huge trigger for rosacea flare-ups.

Keep a safe distance from heaters and fireplaces so you don't feel the heat too directly on your skin. If you live in a warmer environment, dress in loose, breathable clothing. Don't forget to bring a jacket if you think it'll be cold outside.

You also want to avoid extreme temperatures when washing your face. It's best to use lukewarm water instead of hot or icy water when cleansing your face.

Don't Spend Too Much Time in the Sun

Too much sun exposure could cause your skin to inflame and worsen the redness. If you can help it, stay in the shade and wear UV-protective clothing. Wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat can also help protect your face from the sun.

Regardless of the weather, always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen. We recommend wearing SPF 30 or higher if you plan on going outside. Sunscreen with active ingredients like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide is best for people with rosacea.

Use Only Sensitive Ingredients

Rosacea flare-ups can be uncomfortable and even painful for some people. Your skin may feel hot to the touch or sensitive. That's why it's best to use ingredients for sensitive skin.

Lactic and glycolic acids have become popular for achieving clear skin. Luckily, there is an alternative for people with rosacea and severe acne. Azelaic acid is anti-inflammatory and has antimicrobial properties.

Niacinamide is also great for reducing inflammation and redness. It keeps your skin hydrated and boosts your skin's natural protective barrier. Aloe is a great natural ingredient that can give you some relief during flare-ups.

Is Retinol Good for Rosacea?

You may have encountered retinol at least once, and why wouldn't you? It's a great anti-aging skincare ingredient! However, is it safe for rosacea?

Retinol helps with uneven texture and breakouts by promoting collagen production. This is good news for people who are insecure about their rosacea scars. But sometimes, retinol can irritate the skin and worsen your symptoms.

Retinol is a tricky ingredient to work with, so it's best to talk to your dermatologist first.

Products to Avoid if You Have Rosacea

Aside from worsening redness, harsh ingredients can also destroy the skin barrier. This makes you more prone to flare-ups in the future. Some ingredients to avoid if you have rosacea include salicylic, lactic, or glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

You also want to avoid witch hazel or anything with fragrance. Using sensitive ingredients will help strengthen your skin barrier. It's a big bonus if your products can also boost hydration.

How to Treat Rosacea

If left alone, rosacea can cause permanent damage to your skin and eyes. Rosacea treatment can help you keep symptoms under control and reduce the chances of permanent damage.

Treatments That Might Help With Rosacea

Laser treatment is currently the best treatment for rosacea. After a few sessions, you can reduce the appearance of facial redness and blood vessels.

You can also talk to your dermatologist about taking an oral antibiotic. Topical treatments can also help soothe the skin. Always use topical treatment as prescribed to see the best results.

Studies also show that coffee can help with rosacea flare-ups. A daily facial massage can help with inflammation, but it's best to speak to a specialist.

How to Combat Rosacea in the Fall

Rosacea and fall are not a very happy combination. The sharp cold starts to settle in, and, for many, it's the start of a series of flare-ups. Here are some things you can do to enjoy fall and winter without risking a new flare-up.

Avoid Overheating

As mentioned, extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can cause your face to flush. If you live in an area with a warmer climate, bring a cold drink to cool your body down.

You can also use a cool towel to even out your body temperature when you're feeling too warm. Dressing in layers can also make it easier to manage your body temperature.

Fight the Power of the Wind

Wearing a scarf can help protect your skin from cold wind. However, if you're going to layer anything on your face, only use silk or acrylic fabric. Other fabrics like wool can trigger flare-ups on your skin.

Avoid Hot Drinks

Hot drinks are a common trigger for people with rosacea. While caffeine can be good for your symptoms, hot coffee can cause your blood vessels to expand and result in redness. Opt for an iced version or wait for your drink to cool down before you take a sip.

Have a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is the best diet for rosacea. A good diet means a healthy gut, and a healthy gut means fewer flare-ups. Always include prebiotics, probiotics, and fiber-rich foods in your meals.

Be Consistent With Your Skincare Routine

After finding the best ingredients for your skin, be consistent with your skincare routine. Your skin needs all the hydration it can get which is why the iS Clinical Pro-Health Serum Advance + is a great option for reducing inflammation while hydrating. If you're looking for a product with an anti-blemish feature then iS Clinical Hydra-Cool Serum will also do the trick! If you're introducing new ingredients, you won't see results if you don't use them as intended.

Rosacea Treatment: The Takeaway

Don't let rosacea stop you from enjoying winter. These rosacea treatment tips will help you keep those symptoms under control, so you don't have to worry about a flare-up again.

Treat yourself this snowy season to one of our facial services. Contact us today for a free consultation.