When to Start Using Anti Aging Skincare?

And How To Use Them?

Did you know that wrinkles first start to form as early as the age of 25? Some people get wrinkles earlier or later than that age, but whatever the case, there is still the important question of when to start using anti-aging skincare products. You don't want to start too early and waste those products but you also don't want to start too late when you already have stubborn wrinkles.

Fortunately, once you learn the fine balance between your skin and your skincare products, you'll be able to look young for many years to come. Keep reading and learn more about when to start using anti-aging products and other anti-aging treatment options.

At What Age Should You Start Using Anti-Aging Creams?

As mentioned before, wrinkles start to form in one's mid-20s. For that reason, it makes sense that you should start using anti-aging creams and other skincare products in your 20s as well. But how early should you start using them?

Using anti-aging products in your early 20s might be a waste. That's because, before the age of 25, your skin is full of collagen which is the substance that keeps your skin plump and youthful. On the other hand, after the age of 25, your levels of collagen will begin to decrease every year.

When this happens, your skin will soon become thin and saggy. However, if you use skincare products to keep your skin pumped full of nutrition, you might be able to avoid this problem for many years.

What Is The Most Important Anti-Aging Product?

Retinol is one of the most important anti-aging products out there. Retinol is a substance that helps to increase the turnover rate of skin cells. What does that mean exactly, besides having young-looking skin?

Without retinol, your skin cells will only shed at a certain rate, usually a few weeks or months. In the meantime, a lot of dead skin cells will build up on your face and make your skin look dull and old. But with retinol, skin cells will shed at a faster rate to reveal the fresh layer of skin underneath.

This will help keep your skin healthy, glowing, and young-looking. It can even lessen the depth of wrinkles and help fade dark spots.

How Often To Use Anti-Aging Cream

Ideally, if you want to know how to look younger, you should use your favourite anti-aging creams and products every day or even more often. For example, you should moisturize your skin twice every day. On the other hand, you should only use certain products once a day such as retinol.

If you have sensitive skin, you may have to use retinol once every other day until your skin gets used to it. Once you start following a daily skincare routine, you will see how your skin will start to look healthier and younger.

What Happens When You Stop Using Anti-Aging Products?

What makes anti-aging products so beneficial is that they give an extra layer of protection to your skin barrier. Your skin barrier is what protects the inside of your body from the outside environment. When left unprotected, your skin will eventually sustain damage from UV rays, pollution, and other factors.

Anti-aging products can help minimize this damage. That way, they can keep your skin barrier as healthy as possible. When you stop using these products, you risk damaging your skin in various ways.

What Anti-Aging Treatments Actually Work?

Retinol and vitamin C are two anti-aging products that are scientifically proven to work on the skin. Retinol can increase the turnover rate of skin cells and help the skin look younger. On the other hand, vitamin C can improve the skin barrier, hydrate the skin, and reduce dark spots.

There are also treatments such as Botox, dermaplaning, and so on, that also work to make your skin look younger. Choosing the right treatment for you will depend on what kind of skin problems you have.

Most Effective Anti-Aging Facial Treatments

Some of the most effective anti-aging facial treatments include dermaplaning, laser, chemical peels, and more. Each of these treatments is unique.

However, they all aim for the same goal: making your skin tighter and younger-looking.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment involves using a laser on your skin to even out its texture. This is ideal if you have many fine lines and wrinkles.

By smoothing the surface of your skin, these wrinkles will be much shallower and less visible.

Chemical Peel

Chemical peels work much in the same way as laser treatments. However, instead of using lasers, they use certain chemicals.

These chemicals remove the upper layers of the skin, revealing the fresh, new skin underneath. This treatment can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, and acne scars.


Microneedling involves poking your skin with tiny needles. This works because it increases the blood flow and nutrients to your face.

Beyond that, it also stimulates the creation of collagen to keep your skin tight.


Dermaplaning involves using a blade to remove the top layers of your skin. By doing this, your skin will be much more even.

For that reason, your fine lines and wrinkles will not be as visible. It also gives your skin a healthy glow.

Do Collagen Anti-Aging Facial Treatments Work?

Collagen treatments like microneedling work because they stimulate your body's ability to make more collagen. This will make the skin tighter and plumper.

Does Retinol Really Help?

As mentioned before, retinol is great for many reasons. By accelerating your skin's turnover rate, your skin will never look dull or saggy.

Also, because it reveals your skin's freshest and newest skin cells, your skin will always look bright.

What's The Difference Between Hyaluronic Acid And Retinol?

Hyaluronic acid is unique compared to retinol because it can attract water. Retinol does not do this.

Because of hyaluronic acid's unique properties, it can make your skin look plumper and more hydrated. Vitamin C does not attract water, but it can help to lock in hydration.

The Takeaway

When it comes to when to start using anti-aging skincare, you should start in your 20s. This way, you will be able to keep your skin youthful and protected for as long as possible.

To learn more, contact us here.

Face Mask 101

Your Guide To Better Skin

Did you know the global skincare market is worth over $148 billion? The reason is simple — we all want beautiful skin. Face masks are an easy way to decrease your skin problems for a refreshing complexion. Here's your guide to the face mask and how to choose a face mask.

What Is a Face Mask?

A face mask is different from other skincare products because it delivers a powerful concentration of healthy ingredients into the skin. Most face masks are targeted, meaning they improve specific problems. Since face masks are so powerful, it's only recommended you use one either once or twice a week.

Why Should You Use a Face Mask?

Face masks are convenient because you can see results in a short amount of time. This is because of the targeted ingredients and how they penetrate into the skin.

While every face mask varies, the average amount of time you leave one on is 15 minutes. This means a face mask is easy to add to any skincare regimen. There are a variety of different face masks out there, as we will cover later, and nearly anyone will benefit from using a face mask.

What Do Face Masks Do For Your Skin?

A face mask can offer multiple benefits, depending on the product, your skin, and your skincare goals. You can find a face mask that can:

  • Clear up excess oil
  • Moisturize skin
  • Cleanse the skin
  • Exfoliate
  • Prevent and treat aging symptoms
  • Brighten the complexion
  • Clear and prevent acne
  • Decrease the look of pores, acne scars, and other texture issues

Even if you don't need these targeted benefits, a face mask is still a great product to add to your skincare regimen. The right face mask can leave you with glowing skin and a more youthful complexion. There are also masks for the eyes, body, and more!

How Do They Work?

How do face masks work? They penetrate the active ingredients into the skin and trap them in only a short amount of time. Since face masks are formulated to treat specific skin concerns, they all work differently. However, you can ensure that the face mask you use will leave your skin looking and feeling healthy.

Different Types of Face Masks

Face masks will offer more than beautiful, smooth skin. From clay cleansing masks to brightening exfoliating masks, there are a variety of face masks out there.

Cream Masks

Cream masks have a thicker consistency, though some cream masks are more lightweight than others. You may think these are the best face masks if you need hydration. These masks feel silky on the skin, leaving your face feeling fresh and moisturized.

Gel Masks

Gel masks also nourish the skin but are more lightweight than cream masks. This consistency is recommended if you have oily/combination skin or if you don't like the heavy feeling of a cream mask. Certain masks also have a gel consistency; this is common for acne masks, where they cleanse and moisturize the skin to treat and prevent breakouts.

Clay Masks

Clay masks contain unique ingredients that detoxify the skin while keeping your complexion hydrated. While most clay masks are ideal for oily and acne-prone skin, you can find clay masks that offer brightening and anti-aging benefits. For a clay mask, you usually wait until it hardens or changes colour before rinsing off.

Warming Masks

Warming masks are very unique. They can target areas that traditional masks can't, such as skin texture and pore size. Plus, they feel amazing on the skin and clean like nothing else.

Exfoliating Masks

Exfoliating masks and cleansers remove dirt, dead skin cells, oil, and other impurities from the skin surface. This makes your skin look more luminous and decreases the look of imperfections.

There are two types of exfoliating masks: physical and chemical.

Physical exfoliating masks are the most recognizable ones — they're often in the form of a scrub that takes away the first layer of skin to reveal the healthier skin underneath. Chemical exfoliating masks use ingredients such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) to make your skin look more glowing and youthful.

While you can find exfoliating masks for all skin types, they can be very powerful and abrasive. If you have sensitive skin, make sure you use an exfoliator for your skin type.

How Often Should You Use A Face Mask?

Every mask has different requirements. While some masks may only require a once-a-week application, others recommend using the mask as often as three times a week. No two masks are equal, so always read the directions and use a patch test before applying the mask.

How Do You Use A Face Mask?

Follow these easy steps to use a face mask:

  • Always start by cleansing the face with a mild cleanser
  • Take a small amount of product and apply it to the face, using either your fingers or a brush
  • Always avoid putting the mask on or near the mouth and eyes
  • Let the mask sit on the skin for the recommended amount of time, usually 15-20 minutes
  • Rinse off the mask with water

Keep in mind that some face masks require additional steps. For example, if you're using a cleansing or exfoliating mask, you may need to massage the product into your skin before or after application. Again, always read the directions before applying the mask.

Can Face Masks Cause Acne?

If you have acne and blemish-prone skin, you may wonder if face masks are right for you. There are many masks that act as a breakout treatment. They work by cleaning out your pores for smoother skin.

However, you'll also want to use a calming product so your skin doesn't over-produce oil and sebum, which can lead to more breakouts.

How To Choose The Right Face Mask?

First, understand your skin type. Most people have one or more of the following skin types:

  • Normal
  • Sensitive
  • Dry
  • Oily/combination
  • Breakout prone

Next, know your skincare goals. For example, if you have dry skin, you may need a moisturizing mask. You should also consider additional goals, such as decreasing the look of aging symptoms.

Once you identify your goals, it's time to shop! Consider more than price and brand. Take a look at the instructions and use frequency to ensure you're choosing a product that can fit into your skincare routine.

The Takeaway

A face mask can get rid of acne, moisturize the skin, and more. But there are times when you may need professional assistance. We offer a variety of facials to rejuvenate the skin so you get that perfect, glowing complexion. If you're based in Ottawa, take a look at the facials we offer.


AFA Clay Peels - What You Need To Know

Why Are They Less Invasive Than Other Peels?

Every now and then, we should all undergo a skin peeling treatment. Now, although it sounds scary and horror-movie worthy, it's actually harmless and beneficial for your skin. With peels, whether chemical or physical, the skin's most outer layer (epidermis) is removed. Then, new, smooth skin grows back. Some peels go deeper than just the epidermis. Deeper peels come with more dramatic results, but it takes some time to recover.

Chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin and scars, and can be done alone or combined with other cosmetic procedures. One of those peels is AFA Clay Peel.

What is an AFA Clay Peel?

The AFA Clay Peel is a highly effective skincare treatment designed to help your skin retain moisture. An AFA Clay Peel consists of a non-surgical two-step procedure that promotes smoother, softer and more radiant-looking skin. Patients often see results after the first session and unlike other skincare treatments, there is no recovery time associated with AFA Clay Peels. AFA Clay Peels are only available through a medical professional and a series of 4-6 treatments every 2 to 3 weeks is usually recommended for best results.

Active Ingredients

AFA stands for Amino acid Filaggrin-based Antioxidants. Basically, it's a formula that uses the same type of amino acids found in your body to boost the retention of moisture in your skin naturally. The AFA clay peel uses the formula to help exfoliate your skin and retain moisture, without causing irritation.

What It's Used For

AFA Clay Peels are the recommended treatment for oily skin, acne, pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, and rosacea and skin sensitivity.

The Benefits it Offers Over Other Skincare Treatments

Unlike glycolic acid, AHAs, etc., AFAs are stable but strong antioxidants that are gentle on the skin. Compared to the AHAs, AFAs have three times more antioxidant strength and cause less irritation.

AFAs have several benefits for the skin, including exfoliation, increased hydration, and antioxidant input. As hydration increases and exfoliation begins, your skin will feel smoother and softer immediately. Through the combination of anti-oxidation and exfoliation, skin tone will appear more even and sun damage will be minimized.

If you undergo a series of the recommended number of treatments, you can expect these benefits:

  • Greater moisture retention;
  • Reversed signs of aging;
  • Lines and wrinkles reduction;
  • Hyper-pigmentation reduction;
  • Smoother, softer feeling skin.

How it Works

An AFA Clay Peel is a two-step procedure:

Step One

The AFA rare earth clay mask is applied to the face in a thin coat and left to dry for approximately 5 minutes, after which point it’s washed off gently with water. This mask helps to draw impurities from the skin, preparing it for the AFA gel peel.

Step Two

The AFA gel peel is then applied in an even layer on the face and left for 1-2 minutes. The peel is then rinsed from the skin and appropriate aftercare is provided by your medical skincare professional.

What to Expect From the Treatment

Make sure you don't use other acid skincare products before you undergo this treatment. Because AHA or BHA skincare products are strong, using them before this treatment can cause unwanted consequences. The same goes for retinol products. If you have facial hair, don't shave right before the treatment.

After the two-step process finishes, you can expect some mild redness for a few hours. After that you should see improvement in your skin's texture - it should be smooth and glowy! It is also possible that you experience flakiness in the next 24 hours, especially if your skin is on the sensitive side. But, the symptoms shouldn't last for more than 48 hours. If they do call the clinic you had the treatment!

Re-Treatment Instructions

For the best results, MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon recommends that you complete a series of 4-6 six treatments. AFA peels as safe to be a part of your regular skincare routine. In addition to this in-office treatment, we also offer a series of AFA skincare products so that you can continue your AFA skincare routine at home. There is no downtime and results can last for a month!

Is There Any Recovery Afterwards?

No. AFA Clay Peels are very non-invasive and mild, so no post-treatment recovery is needed. The process is that simple! For improved results, there are also AFA Gels available for you to use at home in between treatments.

MC Laser Clinic and Salon is one of the only skincare facilities that offer AFA Clay Peels in Ottawa and the surrounding area. For more information about the benefits of AFA Clay Peels and to book an appointment with one of our skincare specialists, contact us today at MC Laser Clinic and Salon.

How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Reduce or Eliminate the Appearance of Acne Scars

Did you know that around 95% of people who get acne suffer from scarring? While common, acne scars can be incredibly stubborn. Different treatment options don't have the same results for everyone.

You don't have to live with your acne scars. If you're looking for how to treat acne scars, there are a variety of treatments you can employ to reduce the appearance of scarring.

This guide will discuss everything you need to know about acne scars and how to rid your skin of them.

What Are Acne Scars?

Acne, or pimples, grow when oils, dead skin, and bacteria fill up pores, causing them to inflame. Your pores are the small openings in your skin where sweat and oil come to the surface.

When acne blemishes get inflamed, you can encounter scarring. These blemishes can sometimes be small. The acne scar will be shallow and heal fast.

There are times when the blemishes can spread to the surrounding tissues, resulting in deeper scars. Acne scars can sometimes take the form of a scar that's raised up on your skin. They can also look like indentations.

What Causes Acne Scars?

Acne scars occur because your body is trying to fix the acne. The way your body reacts to the wound determines whether or not you'll scar. It'll also affect how much acne scarring you encounter.

When your body tries to repair acne blemishes, it creates more collagen. If too much collagen is created, you'll get a raised scar. The indentation we talked about earlier is due to loss of tissue.

Are Dark Spots the Same as Acne Scars?

Acne blemishes can sometimes leave a dark mark after the pimple has healed. New skin cells will start to form as your skin heals after the pimple. The new cells can sometimes contain a lot of melanin, which is what gives your skin colour.

Dark spots aren't the same as acne scars. Dark spots lie flat against your skin's surface. They also don't signify long-term damage to your follicles, pores, and skin cells.

Over time, dark spots will begin to lighten. They can disappear in a few months or a couple of years.

How to Treat Acne Scars

There are a variety of ways you can treat acne scars. Keep in mind that you'll want to eliminate any acne you have first. New breakouts and pimples can result in new acne scars.

What Helps With Acne Scars?

There are a few at-home remedies you can employ to help you with your acne scars. It's important to meet with a qualified professional to determine that your scarring is caused by acne before you start applying treatments.


Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) is found in many products designed to treat acne. They can help prevent your pores from clogging and remove dead skin.

AHA can also help reduce the appearance of your acne scars. The acid is mild and helps exfoliate your top layer of skin. It removes rough skin and discolouration.

Lactic Acid

A lactic acid peel every two weeks for a few months can improve the following for your skin:

  • Appearance
  • Texture
  • Pigmentation

There are various ointments and serums that contain lactic acid that you can add to your skincare routine. Diluted apple cider vinegar is also a great natural source of lactic acid.


Retinoids work to improve the texture of your skin. They can also speed up how fast your skin cells regenerate. Retinoids also help reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Keep in mind that retinoids can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays. If you use a product containing retinoids, be sure to wear sunscreen.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a common product to treat acne. It can help with the following:

  • Skin exfoliation
  • Reduce redness and swelling
  • Cleaning pores

Salicylic acid can sometimes cause irritation or dryness. If you have sensitive skin, try doing spot treatments.

What Treatments Help With Acne Scars?

Sometimes at-home treatments can't provide you with the results you want. There are a variety of treatments you can explore to help reduce your acne scars.

Chemical Peels

With a chemical peel, a skincare technician will apply a chemical solution to your scar tissue. The solution will then remove your skin's topmost layer. It'll also reduce the appearance of deeper acne scars.

It's recommended that you have only one deep chemical peel. You can do multiple mild and medium chemical peels to stay on top of your results.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a popular choice for reducing acne scars. It's often used in conjunction with dermabrasion.

With this treatment, a wand-like instrument will get used to remove your skin's top layers. Another term for this option is "laser peeling." The treatment eliminates dead skin cells to reveal fresher cells.


Dermabrasion is a great option for those who have severe scarring. A rotating brush is used to remove your skin's top layer.

Scars on the surface of your skin can get completely eliminated. Deeper acne scarring might look less noticeable.

Skin Needling

With skin needling, a skincare technician will use a device covered in small needles on your skin. The small needles stimulate the production of collagen in your face.

Skin needling is an effective and safe procedure. It results in minimal discolouration of your skin. Keep in mind that your results will be subtle, and you might need multiple treatments.

How Long Does It Take for Acne Scars to Fade?

How long it takes for your acne scars to fade depends upon how deep and severe your scarring is. The treatment route you take will also play a part in how quickly they fade. A qualified skin care technician can give you a personalised timeline estimate.

The Takeaway

There are many ways you can learn how to treat acne scars. While there are some effective at-home treatments, it's best to make an appointment with a qualified skincare and laser clinic.

Contact us to learn more about our acne scar removal treatments.


Should You Use Keratin To Smooth Your Hair?

And Should It Be Your Go-To Solution For Frizzy Hair?

There are four types of hair: straight, wavy, curly, and tightly curled. No matter what type you have, you may just benefit from a keratin hair treatment.

You may have heard of the keratin treatment called the Brazilian blowout, or perhaps even the Brazilian keratin treatment. No matter what it's called, this salon treatment has the same selling points.

A keratin treatment can make your hair look straighter and less frizzy. It will always add a major dose of shine. And all of these benefits can last for up to half a year.

But all that glitters — or shines — isn't necessarily gold. What are the pros and cons of a keratin treatment for hair? Here's everything you need to know.

Pros of a Keratin Hair Treatment

There are lots of good things to know about this hair-centric service. For one thing, it revolves around keratin, which is a natural protein that your body creates anyway. Your nails and hair are both comprised of keratin, and this treatment pulls that protein from horns, wool, feathers, or other animal sources, in most cases.

You can find keratin in over-the-counter hair products, such as shampoos and conditioners. However, the best keratin treatments are done by professionals. Here are some of the benefits that you'll get from a salon keratin treatment for hair.

1. It's a Smoothing Treatment

Most people turn to keratin to help them tame frizzy hair. And this smoothing treatment does, indeed, live up to its reputation.

Keratin coats the cells that make up your hair strands. Keeping them all together means less frizz; it also improves the look of dead ends by keeping them from splitting further. All of those benefits leave you with hair that's much easier to manage.

2. Your Hair Dries Faster

Another benefit of a keratin treatment is that, as we said, it makes hair more manageable. One way that manifests is through hair that's faster to dry.

Some keratin devotees say that the strengthening treatment helps them to dry their hair in half the time. Others find they can skip heating tools altogether — without the threat of frizz, they can allow their hair to air dry instead.

Although opinions vary, many experts say that air drying is better for your hair. So, skipping the heating tools more often can help your hair get stronger — and in a more lasting way than a keratin treatment.

3. Keratin Lasts a While

On that note, let's discuss how long a keratin treatment lasts. You'll get your money's worth out of of a kerating smoothing treatment. Most clients say that the effects of the blowout lasts for six months.

You can extend the life of your keratin treatment by washing your hair less often. Sudsing up two to three times a week will keep your hair clean while also preserving the longevity of your blowout.

4. Your Hair Grows Faster

Without breakage, your hair will grow faster. A keratin treatment seals your strands and strengthens them, allowing them to get longer than they might without this coating.

Cons of a Keratin Hair Treatment

Not all of the keratin hair treatment side effects are good, unfortunately. You'll have to weigh up the disadvantages before sitting in the salon chair.

1. The Cost is High

At MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon, a  keratin treatment costs at least $330.

While it might seem high for some, think about it this way: divide the cost by month and weigh out the benefits - would you pay this each month in exchange for hair that's more manageable? THE BEST THING OF IT ALL? You don't have to pay each month, the results last for a few months!

2. Upkeep Can Be Tough

You might find it difficult to perform the tasks necessary to maintain your keratin treatment. For example, you might prefer to wash your hair daily, even though experts recommend you cut it down to at least every other day, although every two to three days is best.

Others find their keratin treatment loses its lustre when they go swimming, either in a pool or the salty ocean. Both can reverse the effects of this service, so regular swimmers might not want to spring for it — or, they can get used to swimming with a few caps on top of their locks.

Even the fact that you can't wash your hair for three to four days post-application can turn people off of keratin treatments. You can pick up a more regular washing schedule later, but you have to leave your hair unwashed for half a week to make sure the keratin sinks in. If this will bug you, then skip it.

3. It's Not Safe for Everyone

Keratin treatments have a bad rap, as some contain formaldehyde. Our formula doesn't, so you can rest assured that it's safe in that way.

However, experts still suggest that you skip a chemical treatment on your hair if you're pregnant. We can de-frizz your strands post-delivery, though!

Should I Get a Keratin Treatment for Hair?

We hope this guide to keratin hair treatment helps you decide what to do next. Should you get a keratin treatment? If you're ready to wash your locks with care and, in exchange, have shiny, sleek locks, then we say yes.

If you're ready to try it out, don't hesitate to contact us, either. In fact, you can book an appointment online for your keratin treatment or any other one of our services, all meant to make you feel your best, inside and out.


Are Hair Extensions Worth It?

Everything You Need To Know About Hair Extensions

Did you know that most of the women you see on TV wear hair extensions? But hair extensions are not just for celebrities; plenty of women love to wear extensions in their everyday lives.

There are many types of hair extensions and for that reason, it's important to know all about them so you can make the decision that's right for you.

Let's explore what hair extensions are exactly. Read on to learn more.

What Are Hair Extensions?

Hair extensions, as the name suggests, are pieces of hair that you can apply to your scalp in order to make your hair look longer than it really is. Usually, they come with a clip that you can apply close to your scalp so the extension will look like your real hair.

Some also come with tape instead of clips so they will look even more natural on your head. You can get hair extensions in any colour and texture including straight, wavy, curly, and more. They are great if you want to give yourself a new look without waiting for your hair to grow out.

The Types Of Hair Extensions

Clip-in hair extensions made of synthetic hair are very popular because they are inexpensive and easy to use. Synthetic hair extensions are very easy to take care of as well.

On the other hand, extensions made of real hair are, of course, the most realistic. But they are also the most expensive. There are also microlink hair extensions that you can attach to your real hair via small loops.

How Do I Choose?

To choose the right kind of hair extensions for you, you will want to consider what kind of hair you have. If you have strong and thick hair, you won't have to worry too much about damaging your hair. You will be able to use everything from tape in hair extensions, micro link extensions, and beyond.

If you have delicate hair, you will want to find the least damaging type of hair extension. This way, your real hair won't be a mess whenever you decide to take out your hair extensions.

You will also want to consider what length you want. Different lengths can give you completely different looks, so keep that in mind when you choose.

How Long Do They Last?

The lifespan of hair extensions will depend on what kind of extensions you get. It will also depend on how well you take care of your extensions. Glue and tape-in extensions tend to last several weeks, but they may last for a shorter period of time if you aren't careful with them.

On the other hand, micro link extensions can last several months. After this amount of time, you can look forward to replacing them with new extensions.

How Bad Are They For Your Hair?

While hair extensions can make your hair look long, shiny, and luscious, you might not be happy once you take them out and find that your real hair is damaged. No matter what kind of extension you get, there will always be some degree of damage.

In some cases, hair extensions can tug on your hair roots and even cause bald patches as a result, especially if not done properly. The most damaging hair extensions tend to be microlink extensions. The least damaging tend to be tape-in extensions since they don't pull on your hair as much.

If you are someone with very delicate or slow-growing hair, you should avoid hair extensions.

Who Should Get Them?

If you have thin hair, hair extensions can be great to give the illusion of fullness and volume. Or, if you have short hair, you can switch to long hair in a snap once you get hair extensions.

Hair extensions are also ideal if you want to give yourself a new look for a few weeks or if you have a big event coming up. Or, if you have a long vacation, you can treat yourself to some hair extensions to last you as long as your vacation.

The After Care

The main thing you will want to avoid is over-washing your hair extensions. This can not only lead to damage to your real hair, but it may damage your extensions as well.

You shouldn't use conditioner on the extensions or blow-dry your hair. To keep your extensions looking healthy, be sure to oil them regularly and brush them every day so they shine.

Which Shampoo to Use

You should use a gentle shampoo when you wash your hair extensions. This will ensure that your extensions will not end up frizzy or broken.

Shampoo with oil like coconut oil tends to be the best for extensions. You should also only wash your extensions twice every week.

Scalp Scrub

You still have to care for your scalp under your hair extensions. That's what a scalp scrub is for.

A scalp scrub is typically a gritty cream. By massaging it into your scalp, you can remove any excess oil and dirt. This will ensure that your real hair stays healthy.


You should never blow-dry your hair extensions. Instead, it is best to let your extensions air-dry after patting them with a towel.

You also should not wring out your hair like an old rag. This can damage your extensions and real hair.


By gently brushing your hair extensions, you can protect them from damage. You can also make sure that they keep their fresh and shiny look.

Brushing your hair too violently can do the opposite, so be careful. Try using a brush with soft and hard bristles for the best results.

Do I Need To Replace Them Often?

As mentioned before, extensions that use glue or tape tend to last 8 weeks or less. After a few weeks, you will want to get them replaced.

On the other hand, you can wait several months before you replace micro link extensions. However, you will need to reposition them earlier.

So, How Much Does This Cost?

Clip-in extensions are the cheapest and may be a few hundred dollars. Real hair extensions will be more expensive, around several hundred dollars.

Professional or permanent hair extensions can cost several thousand dollars, although they are typically much less. By calculating the cost of different types of hair extensions along with the look you want, you should be able to find the perfect extensions for you.

If you would like to get hair extensions, contact us here to get them done at MC Laser.


How Does Laser Vein Removal Work?

Your Questions Answered

Are varicose veins making you feel uncomfortable wearing certain clothes or showing off your legs? If you've unsuccessfully considered different treatments, you may be wondering how does laser vein removal work?

Varicose veins are dark, swollen, and twisted veins that mainly develop on the legs or ankles. You're likely to have them if the veins and valves in different parts of your body are weakened. When blood can't flow through these valves, it collects and builds up, thus twisting and enlarging them.

If the veins continue enlarging, you might want to opt for laser vein removal. The treatment usually involves using high-intensity light to close off the veins.

So, how can you remove spider veins from the face? Here's everything you should know about this varicose and spider vein treatment.

What is Laser Vein Removal?

Laser vein removal is a laser therapy that relies on heat to shrink varicose veins. The laser device will emit a thin beam of radiation directed to the affected area during the procedure. The treatment helps close and shrink varicose veins to boost blood flow to other veins. You'll be left with minor scar tissue within the veins.

Does It Hurt?

As one of the less painful vein removal procedures, laser vein surgery has a pretty short recovery time. The skin specialist will administer a light sedative or local anaesthesia to numb you down.

You won't even notice the veins being removed until the procedure is over, but expect to experience mild pain and bruising in the treated area.

Can Laser Remove Facial Veins?

Though they are not life-threatening, facial veins can affect your self-esteem. You can have them removed with a laser device to regain the beauty of your face.

Laser vein removal is a practical, non-invasive procedure that eliminates unappealing facial capillaries. It closes them up and directs blood to the other nearby blood vessels.

Who Is A Good Candidate?

Sign up for this non-invasive treatment if you have varicose and spider veins on any of your body parts. The procedure may also suit you if you have slightly deeper blue/greenish veins, pink or red veins or visible veins on your legs or face.

A specialist will assess your overall health and inquire about your medical history before administering the treatment. The non-invasive procedure won't suit you if you have tattoos, light-triggered seizures or clotting disorders. Pregnant women and diabetic patients should also stay away from the treatment.

When Should I Get the Treatment?

Seek this treatment as soon as you start noticing discoloured, enlarged or knotty veins on your skin. These malfunctioned veins result from blood pooling around a particular body part.

Sign up for the non-surgical procedure if other vein removal therapies fail to work. Your physician might recommend it if your varicose veins cause blood clots, skin problems and severe pain.

If your main goal is to improve the appearance of the affected body parts, seek the procedure whenever you want.

How Safe is It?

Laser therapy for vein removal is a medically proven safe treatment for varicose veins. Though it causes little discomfort, it carries fewer risks, unlike other treatment options. You can improve the procedure's outcomes by having it done by an experienced skin specialist.

Are There Risks?

Potential risks of this treatment include burns, changes in skin colour and blood clots. Depending on your health, you may experience vein inflammation, nerve damage, or even suffer an infection.

Side Effects

The short-term side effects of this procedure include blistering, bruising and skin reddening in the treated area. The treated area may also swell or have an increased/decreased pigmentation.

Most of these side effects disappear within two days. Blisters and bruises from the treatment may take a few weeks to disappear.

What are the Main Benefits?

Laser vein treatment helps treat and eliminate spider and varicose veins. Your skin will be clear of patches of vein clusters and redness. Unlike other treatments like vein stripping and sclerotherapy, the procedure is non-invasive and less painful.

The physician will walk you through this medical procedure and help you with the follow-ups. You can even embark on your day-to-day activities in a few days.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

Depending on your condition, you'll need two to four sessions for the best outcomes. If you have smaller varicose veins, results will appear in three to six weeks. Larger varicose and spider veins will darken and disappear after 3 months.

How Does The Treatment Look Like?

The specialist will consider your medical history to determine whether the treatment will bear adverse side effects. Once approved, you'll need to sign a consent form before treatment begins.

You won’t need any hospital stays since the procedure takes a few minutes to complete. Wear loose-fitting clothing before and after the treatment to boost recovery.

You'll be given a sedative or local anaesthesia during the procedure before a small incision is made on your skin. The incision will guide a laser fibre to the varicose vein to heat it and close it up.

After Care

You will be encouraged to walk for 30 to 60 minutes after undergoing the procedure. Walking will help boost blood flow in the treated area.

Your specialist will also recommend aftercare practices like wearing compression stockings and avoiding hot baths. They will also prescribe pain medication if needed and book you for follow-up visits to help you recover.

How Does Laser Vein Removal Work? The Takeaway

We hope that this guide answers questions like how does laser vein removal work. The good thing with laser light is that it can destroy varicose veins without causing harm to your skin. Results also appear a few months after treatment.

We strive to always make you look and feel comfortable in your skin without worrying about deformities. Book a consultative appointment with us today.


How Can Laser Genesis Benefit Me?

And What Should I Know Before Booking An Appointment?

Do you dream of perfect, youthful, bright skin? Well, you're not alone! Canadians spend over $1.7 billion on skin-care products and procedures annually.

We just love our Retinol products and BHA acids, don't we? But imagine life without all the extra skin treatments and 12-step regimes. With Laser Genesis, the dream is possible!

So, what is Laser Genesis? Learn all about this unique laser skin treatment, its benefits, and why you need to try it today!

What Is Laser Genesis?

Laser Genesis is a near-infrared laser with a 1064-nm wavelength. A small, handheld wand is traced across the face, heating the skin as it moves. Some clients also request this laser treatment for their neck, hands, and decolletage.

Some laser treatments can result in a bit of pain, tingling, or stinging sensations. Laser Genesis doesn't hurt! Most clients describe the feeling as the sun heating their skin. Sounds nice, right?

Laser Genesis is considered a "lunchtime treatment" because the process takes about 30 minutes! There's no downtime or major side effects either. You may spot some redness, which will disappear a few hours later.

Does It Actually Work?

It really does! Laser Genesis studies consistently show patient satisfaction with the results. In one Japanese study, 98% of patients showed improved skin texture, decreased wrinkles, and smaller pores.

How does Laser Genesis work so efficiently? The amazing results come from the laser's ability to stimulate elastin and collagen. These two essential skin proteins decline as the skin ages, creating a host of problems.

Elastin is what helps our skin contract and maintain its shape after stretching. Reduced elastin in the connective tissue results in wrinkles and deep lines. Laser Genesis ramps up elastin production, allowing your skin to bounce back quickly!

Collagen is an often-talked about protein when it comes to beauty and skin health. Its renewal properties keep our skin strong and firm. Of course, as we age and collagen production slows down, the skin becomes more delicate.

What’s the Difference Between IPL and Laser Genesis?

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is a very popular choice for rosacea, sun spots, and discolourations. But how does it differ from Laser Genesis?

First, IPL is a light treatment, whereas Laser Genesis is a laser-based treatment. This means that IPL targets only the topmost layer of the skin and superficial signs of ageing. Laser Genesis goes deeper to speed up protein production and get to the root of ageing woes.

Laser Genesis is also the winner when it comes to inclusivity! Studies have found that this laser treatment is suitable for all skin types. Unfortunately, IPL may not be suitable for darker or sensitive skin types.

Finally, IPL is ideal for reducing sun spots, redness, and pigment discolouration. But if you want to target your pores, wrinkles, and fine lines, then Laser Genesis is the answer. People who have concerns about all the above problems can combine the two treatments.

What Are the Benefits?

Laser Genesis is a unique skin treatment with many benefits! Most importantly, the process is completely pain-free! But beyond that, other benefits include:

  • Convenient and fast
  • Zero recovery time
  • Only minor side effects like redness
  • Improved skin texture
  • Reduced pore size
  • Diminish brown spots
  • Correct fine lines and wrinkles
  • More even skin tone with less redness
  • Healed acne scarring
  • Bright, youthful glow

When you imagine your perfect skin, you're likely picturing each of these elements. Skin serums, masks, and even facials aren't reliable solutions. Laser treatment is the best way to upgrade your skin!

Is Laser Genesis Beter Than Microneedling?

Microneedling treatment involves creating a series of tiny pinpricks on the skin to encourage healing. And when the skin heals, it often improves the texture, brightness, and overall look! But Microneedling and Laser Genesis are very different treatments.

Again, Laser Genesis involves zero recovery time and is safe for all skin types! Microneedling will require a bit of downtime while your skin heals and may not be suitable for all.

Can This Treatment Damage My Skin?

Laser Genesis is non-invasive and non-ablative, meaning zero damage to your skin. Older laser treatments sometimes have a bad reputation for being intense and risky. But Laser Genesis is a soothing, safe procedure that doesn't result in any damage.

How Long Does It Take To Work?

The answer really depends on the state of your skin and your skin concerns. Most clients see subtle results very quickly! But if you want dramatic results, you'll likely need four to six sessions booked two to four weeks apart.

How Long Do the Results Last?

Results can last between six months to a year! You can extend results by limiting sun exposure and wearing an SPF 30+ sunscreen. Also, try to improve overall health with regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and a skin-care regimen.

How Often Can You Get Laser Genesis?

Every two weeks is the most often you should schedule your Laser Genesis appointment. Most clients book their follow-up appointments to fall between two and four weeks later. Some people choose to come in regularly, about once a month, to maintain their results!

What Skin Conditions Can It Help With?

Many people wonder, "is Laser Genesis good for acne?" The answer is yes! Regardless of age, redness, rosacea, and acne scarring are common skin conditions.

Laser Genesis is an effective treatment for these issues because of its thermal energy system. It targets blood vessels and capillaries responsible for redness and scarring. Once the skin's healing process is activated, redness and scarring are naturally reduced.

Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Genesis?

People with light skin, dark skin, and everyone in between can enjoy Laser Genesis! It's ideal for those concerned with dullness, loss of elasticity, wrinkles, fine lines, or any sign of ageing. Laser Genesis is good for acne scarring and rosacea as well!

Are There Any Side Effects?

The only side effect is beautiful skin! But some clients may experience redness following the treatment. This minor side effect is completely normal and usually subsides quickly!

Can I Get It After Botox?

Laser Genesis is safe to use post-Botox, with a small catch. It's best to wait around two weeks after Botox before scheduling a laser treatment, and vice versa. So don't plan on cramming both procedures in one day!

How Do I Prepare for the Treatment?

Because the treatment is non-invasive, there's not much in the way of preparation. But keep these three tips in mind:

Shave or dermaplane 24 hours before treatment (yes, even the peach fuzz)
Avoid AHA/BHA acids and Retinol for one week prior
No tanning or sun exposure three to four weeks prior
Also, skip the fake tan for a few days leading up to your appointment. On the day of treatment, show up make-up free, with clean, dry skin!

Where Can I Get Laser Genesis?

Now that you're no longer asking, "what is Laser Genesis?", it's time to test it out yourself! Ottawa residents can visit us at our cosy, welcoming salon or book an appointment online!  The professional, expert team at MC Laser Clinic and Hair Salon will conduct a consultation to help you find the perfect treatment. Start your journey towards healthy skin!

What is Visia Skin Analysis?

And Why Do You Need It?

Your skincare routine has seven steps. You tried using every possible product and listened to all recommendations around you, trying to find the perfect products for your skin. And sometimes this might help, but there are situations when you are desperate to find out how to fix your skin problem because nothing worked. How amazing would it be if you could finally find the right product for your face? Well, good news - there is a way. Skin analysis!

What is Visia Skin Analysis?

Visia Skin Analysis is a computer-controlled deep analysis of the skin. It uses multispectral imaging that captures information from all skin layers of your face and gives feedback on the skin's condition. If you want to find out what's going on beneath the surface of your face and know everything there is to know about your skin - Visia skin analysis is the thing to go through. Detailed information will help you customize your skincare routine and get rid of damage once and for all.

How does Visia Skin Analysis work?

Visia captures photos of your face from all sides, and not only on the surface - but the under layers, too.  The computer then measures all aspects, like sun damage, wrinkles, pores, spots, redness, and the presence of bacteria. It can even detect skin disorders! That gives you a report of your skin condition and health which then helps you find out what your skin specifically needs. The process is completely pain-free and doesn't last long. The images are taken under different wavelengths of light and every light identifies a different 'problem'.

For example, the standard lighting shows what can be seen by a human eye: pore size and skin texture. It will highlight the exact spots with, let's say, acne damage.

Then, there is ultraviolet lighting that enables the aesthetician to look for sun damage and porphyrins, which are bacteria that clog the pores and cause breakouts.

With cross-polarized lighting, the red and brown spots of the skin stand out and you can find out if you have any certain skin condition like rosacea, hyperpigmentation, or something else.

What does this Analysis do?

Visia Skin Analysis will show you all of the 'problems' you might have - wrinkles, brown spots, large pores, spots, read areas, problems in texture, excess of bacteria, etc. You will also see different colours and that way know what's the exact issues.

For example, lighter green will show finer wrinkles, and darker green will show deeper creases. With texture, indents will be indicated in blue, and pimples and dead cells will be seen in yellow. You can also find out which parts of your skin suffered the most sun damage, which part of the skin is mostly covered in spots and where to perform treatment based on red areas. Based on your skin analysis, the medical aesthetician will know how and when to perform whatever treatment you need. They can even recommend you a specific product that will help your skin and bring results.

Why Is A Skin Analysis Important?

We're not saying a skin analysis is a must - but it is beneficial if you want a customized skincare routine. Once the analysis is completed, your medical aesthetician walks you through the report. There will be information about your skin’s appearance, your complexion, and your skin’s health. It will also note potential problems you may face in the future and help determine the best treatment for your desired results.

Why Do I Need It? The Benefits.

  • Determine if your current skincare routine is effective and say goodbye to spending a bunch of money on products that don't work for you.
  • Detect hidden skin issues that might have not yet become apparent. This way, you're thinking ahead and protecting your future self from frustration and tears.
  • Determine your skin's age and find out what you need to do to keep it young, smooth and clear.
  • Find out what damage is currently present in all of your skin layers. When you learn that, you will know how to fix it.
  • Individualized skincare treatment. This is what we mean by fixing. After the analysis, you will be sure what exact treatment you might need, which skincare products to use and how to properly take care of your skin based on what it needs, not what someone else recommends.

How Much Does A Visia Skin Analysis Cost?

The cost of the analysis of course varies among clinics. At MC Laser Clinic and Salon, it costs $50 and is available as part of our consultation process. After the imaging process, our experts will discuss your skin issues and needs with you, and then give recommendations on treatment options to help you get the results you need. Ready to book your appointment and start the journey you've been waiting for so long? Hop in, let's do this.




How to Prepare Your Hair For The Winter Frizz

10 Tips For Combat

Isn't frizz the absolute worst? Think about it - you spend hours getting ready, the make-up is on point, and an amazing hair day is on the horizon. Life is beautiful. And then. Frizz happens. It can totally bust your whole mood, right? It's like no time is good enough for your hair - in summer it's humidity. In winter it's the hat you have to put on if you want to keep your ears. Luckily, we've compiled a bunch of tips and tricks on how to combat frizz and leave you feeling beautiful, as you should!

What Causes Frizzy Hair?

What is frizz exactly, except annoying? Well, if you have to ask - you're lucky and obviously never experienced this. In simple terms, frizz is hair that doesn't align with the rest of your hair - it stands out, has a weird texture and just creates a mess. It's typically caused when hair is dry and lacks moisture, which is why it's very common among people with curly hair. There are a lot of different scenarios that lead to frizzy hair. For curly hair, frizz is caused because the natural oils from your scalp can't travel down the hair shaft as well as on straight hair. In the summer, it's because of the humidity - in the summer it's because of dry air and static. The main fault: the cuticle.

The cuticle of your hair is your hair's outermost layer, and also the most protective one. It is made up of what looks like shingles that should be closed if your hair is healthy and maintained. When the cuticle is damaged or wet, the 'shingles' open up and leave the vulnerable part of your hair exposed. Which leads us to frizz. In summer, the moisture escapes and the moisture from the air get in, causing the hair to swell. During winter, we tend to switch from cold to warm places, which strips away the moisture we have in our hair and causes frizz. Also, we use different kinds of materials on our heads for protection. Friction and change in humidity happen, you gain some extra electrons and boom. Static.

How Do I Stop My Hair Being Frizzy?

Luckily for us, there are solutions and we don't have to look like Beetlejuice all the time. Washing your hair with very hot water, using harsh hair products and heat styling can all cause problems. Here are some tips and tricks on avoiding your hair to frizz.

Top 10 Tips To Fight The Frizz

  1. Wash Your Hair With Luke Warm Water
  2. Don't use Products With Sulfates or Alcohol
  3. Avoid towel-drying your hair
  4. Use a silk pillowcase
  5. Hot oil treatment - but let it become lukewarm before applying!
  6. Hot towel treatment - deep conditioning is the stuff!
  7. Use leave-in conditioner
  8. Reduce Heat Styling - use as little heat as possible
  9. Avoid static - plastic combs, wool hats, etc.
  10. Try A Keratin Smoothing Treatment

What is a Keratin Smoothing Treatment?

A solution for dry, brittle, frizzy and unmanageable hair! It's a conditioning technique that helps you keep your hair healthy and strong. Keratin is actually a protein that we already have in our hair and nails. It has a protective role and keeps our hair healthy. But, because of many exterior factors, like sun or chemicals, the keratin gets reduced and there is nothing left to protect your hair - so it becomes dry and damaged.

A keratin smoothing treatment is actually a chemical procedure that is formulated with amino acids, protein, silk and pearl complexes. In the procedure, the keratin that you might be lacking is added to your hair with the intention of filling in the porous spots in your hair. With a keratin treatment, you are basically adding the missing protein. After the treatment, you are left with smooth, shiny, strong, and more manageable hair.

The treatment works on any type of hair, but there are a few things you should know before booking your appointment. At MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon, we use Chi Enviro Keratin Smoothing treatment that removes 95% of the frizz and leaves your hair silky smooth and frizz-free when styled. The results last for four to six months, especially if you're using the designated Chi Enviro shampoo and conditioner.

What You Need To Know Before Getting A Treatment

The results from the treatment are indeed beautiful, but there are some things you should be aware of. For example - if you're planning to get a treatment, you should plan it on days when you don't have many errands to run. This is because you shouldn't wash your hair for a couple of days after the treatment. Also, some keratin treatments contain formaldehyde which is dangerous if inhaled.

The procedure itself lasts for about two to three hours. It starts with a hair wash using only shampoo. Some professionals then blow-dry the hair to remove all the moisture. Afterwards, the keratin solutions are applied and your hair is left to set. Next comes another round of blow-drying and flat iron, which helps seal it all in. The cost of this treatment varies among salons, in MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon the price starts at $330.

The After Care

Now comes the harder part. As we mentioned, after the treatment you should avoid washing your hair for a few days and using hair ties or clips if you don't want to end up with weird dents - so it might be a good idea to get a nice dry shampoo. As always, you should use sulfate-free shampoo. For at least 48 hours after the treatment avoid getting the hair wet and use shower caps, even in a steam shower. After 2-3 days, you can use a soft hair tie, but try not to use it all the time. You can colour your hair after about two weeks.

How Long Does The Treatment Last?

The longevity of the keratin varies among people. For some, it lasts for about four months, and for others, it might last for six months. It all depends on you, your hair, and maintenance. If you use shampoos with sulfates and sodium, swim often, use salt-based sprays, or wash your hair often - the keratin will wear off sooner.


Detangling is a pain, we know. Keratin treatment does sound like a lifesaver, especially for people who struggle with their frizzy, dry and damaged hair. If it's done and maintained correctly, it will leave your hair feeling and looking smooth, shiny, strong and beautiful - but beware that it might leave you with less volume. Make sure to consult with a hair professional before you decide anything. Book your free consultation today!