Why Winter Is The Best Time for Laser Hair Removal

Everything You Need To Know Before Your First Appointment

Many women struggle with excess hair growth and spend money on waxing treatments and razor blades without getting the results they really want.

Thinking about laser hair removal in Ottawa? That's a great idea and can give you long-lasting hair-free results and help you save money at the same time. It might sound too good to be true, but keep reading this article and you'll discover all the benefits of laser hair removal, especially in winter.

First, let's take a closer look at what a laser hair removal treatment does exactly.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal, as the name suggests, uses a laser, otherwise known as a concentrated beam of light, to remove hair. This laser is absorbed by a dark pigment in the hair known as melanin. When this occurs, the light energy is converted into heat.

This heat is able to damage the hair follicles and bulbs to a certain extent, either inhibiting or delaying the growth of new hair from that follicle. As hair grows in different stages and laser is only effective on newborn hairs,  one laser hair removal session is not enough to be hair-free forever, however. Instead, you might need to come back to get treated several times.

What You Need To Know Before Getting One

There are a few things you need to know before going in for laser hair removal treatments. First off, it's not as painful as you might think. While getting your hair follicles blasted by a laser may not sound like the most pleasant thing in the world, it usually is not any more painful than a flick.

You can even ask the person administering the treatment to give you some numbing cream. Before you go in for your treatment, it's important to remember to shave the area that is being treated. Some people may be afraid to shave their hair, especially on their face, in fear of it getting darker and thicker, but this is a myth.

You must not wax the area to be treated for at least 4 weeks. If you do this, the laser will not be able to treat the hair follicles as they need to be treated. You also should not wear any makeup or creams on the location being treated as these substances can get in the way of the laser.

The Advantages Of A Winter Laser Hair Removal Treatment

You might be wondering why laser hair removal in winter is so different from getting laser treatments at any other time of the year. The major advantage is that you won't be spending a lot of time in the heat and sun during the winter as you would during the summer months. This is important since you need to stay out of direct sunlight 4 weeks before and after getting laser treatments. Skin that is tanned and sunburnt can not, absolutely not be treated by laser. This may cause severe burns and unreversible scarring and skin discoloration. Since you will likely spend more time indoors during the winter, this will give you plenty of time to complete your laser hair removal treatments. More than that, by summer, your treatments will likely be showing a great improvement. So, you'll be able to show off your hairless skin with confidence.

Let's Talk Money

Money is always a concern when it comes to treatments. This is especially true for hair removal treatments.

So, what do you need to consider when spending money on winter laser hair removal?

How Much Money And Time Does An Average Woman Spend On Hair Removal

The time and cost of laser hair removal can depend on a variety of factors. The most important factor is how large of an area you will have treated. For example, there is a big difference between treating your underarms compared to treating your legs.

Smaller areas are much more manageable and can be treated in a shorter period of time. On the other hand, larger areas will take longer to treat and will cost more. However, this is an investment for your future self. If you compare the cost of shaving and waxing equipment during the years with the cost of a laser hair removal, you will probably find that laser hair removal is way more worth it. Especially when you add all your hard work that you put into shaving or waxing your body. Keep in mind, no other hair removal method will give you soft and amazingly silky smooth skin!

Prices and Treatments at MC Laser

As mentioned before, even at MC Laser, the prices of your laser hair removal treatments will vary according to where you get hair removed. You can book a consultation if you want to know more about MC Laser's pricing and process.

MC Laser also has other laser treatments that can help with skin rejuvenation and the reduction of dark spots.

Frequently Asked Questions

It's natural to have questions about a procedure like laser hair removal. This is especially true if you don't know much about it.

Below are some of the most common questions about this treatment.

Why Do I Need Multiple Appointments For Laser Hair Removal?

You need multiple appointments because not all hair follicles grow at the same time. At your first treatment, only a certain number of follicles will be affected by the laser, while others have not produced hairs yet and will not respond to treatment.

By getting multiple laser sessions, , you can make sure you treat all your follicles.

What To Expect During Treatment?

During treatment, you will likely be in a reclining chair or lying flat. You can choose to have numbing cream applied or not (only on face or private area).

You'll need to wear special glasses to protect your eyes from the laser's light. The treatment may last between a few minutes to an hour.

What Is The Treatment Interval?

You will need to come back for treatment every four to eight weeks. You should aim to get four to six treatments for a specific area to achieve the desired results.

For areas where hair grows slowly, you might need to have treatments every twelve to sixteen weeks.


After the procedure, the treated area may be red, swollen and bumpyTo reduce this, try applying Aloe Vera gel for the first 24 hours.

Avoid skin irritants or deodorant in the first 24 hours. Also, avoid working out, swimming, hot tubs and saunas for the next 48 hours after laser hair removal, as this can irritate your folicules and cause skin rash.

As your skin heals, it is important to stay out of the sun for several weeks. Be sure to use sunscreen with SPF 30+ every day to protect your skin.

The Best Laser Hair Removal Ottawa has to Offer

Now that you know all about laser hair removal, you'll know exactly what to expect from your treatments and are ready to get started, right? To learn more, contact us here.

Is Cold Weather a Good Time for a Chemical Peel?

Top 10 Benefits of Getting a Chemical Peel

Everyone has imperfections on their skin, but they can start to become more noticeable as tans from summer fade away. Once the colder months arrive, you might be wondering what you should do to improve your skincare routine. As it turns out, a chemical peel in colder months might be a great idea.

If you are unsure what a chemical peel is, you've clicked on the right article. Here, you'll learn all about what it is and how it can help to rejuvenate your skin so it's ready for when the warmer months arrive again.

What Is A Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a cosmetic skin resurfacing procedure that uses the application of an acid solution to remove the topmost layers of your skin. These top layers usually hold all the dead cells and most imperfections that people can immediately see such as dark spots, sun damage, or broken vessels - but some peels can target the deeper layers of skin as well.

As the peel eats away at your outer layers of skin, the fresher layers underneath will reveal themselves. The result is a clearer complexion and smoother texture.

Depending on the intensity of your chemical peel, you may need several treatments to get the results you want. On the other hand, with a stronger peel, you may only need one treatment. Your skin will take around 7- 14 days to heal from flaking, redness, or irritation. For this, you may need to take antiviral medication to prevent the risk of a cold sore outbreak.

Why Are Chemical Peels Good for Your Skin?

As we age, skin can start to look dull and lack vitality. Our metabolism also plays a big role in the vibrancy of our skin, since the natural shedding of dead cells are not as frequent as when we were younger.  As a result, dead skin cells tend to build up more and make us look older than we really are.

Besides reducing imperfections, chemical peels can also help to rejuvenate your skin. This is because, as the peel takes off the upper layers of your skin, the inner layers begin creating new collagen and elastin. This will lead to your skin looking much clearer, firmer, and brighter than before.

Top 10 Benefits of Chemical Peels

First, chemical peels can reduce and prevent acne due to how the chemicals can penetrate deep into your pores. The chemical solution eats up the dead skin cells, unclogs the congested pores by dissolving the hardened oils, and kills the acne-causing bacteria.

Second, since chemical peels clean out your pores, they can also help to reduce their appearance. Third, chemical peels help reduce dark spots, sun damage, and all types of hyperpigmentation.

The fourth benefit is that while chemical peels might not be able to remove scars completely, they can certainly reduce their appearance by resurfacing the skin

Fifth, if you have uneven skin tone, chemical peels remove the outer layers of your skin to give your face a more even tone and blemish-free complexion.

The sixth benefit is that chemical peels can help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by removing the outer layers and thus plumping the skin.

Seventh, chemical peels are one of the best options for smooth texture due to the way they remove rough, dead skin cells.

Eighth, a chemical peel is a non-invasive treatment option for better skin.

Ninth, as these peels remove your top layers of skin, your skincare products can penetrate deeper and work better since they won't be fighting through bricks of dead cells.

The tenth benefit is that chemical peels can stimulate your skin to produce new collagen, giving your face a fresh and healthy glow.

Why Are Chemical Peels Better in the Colder Months

Getting a chemical peel in colder months is a great idea because we are not as exposed to direct sunlight and heat. This is ideal because after getting a chemical peel, it is important that you stay out of direct sunlight. This is necessary because the sun could cause severe hyperpigmentation as your skin is healing.

You'll also likely be spending more time inside during the winter, so you won't need to worry about showing off your skin as it heals (the shedding is not fun!). Instead, your skin will be fresh, bright, and smooth once spring and summer roll around.

How It Works

Light chemical peels target the most superficial layers of skin (the epidermis) that contain imperfections. You usually need several treatments of light chemical peels to see your desired results.

Medium chemical peels penetrate the deeper layers of skin (the dermis). This is better for deeper wrinkles and acne scars. Still, you may also need multiple treatments (up to three stronger treatments, or up to six light peels).

Deep chemical peels go deeper still. These are best for very deep wrinkles and scarring. One treatment may be sufficient. You will definitely need longer social downtime, though.

How Often Should You Get One?

For light chemical peels, you should get one every two weeks if you’re in a series of six peels. This will give your skin enough time to heal between treatments.

For medium chemical peels, you might need to wait a bit longer (four weeks) before your skin is healed enough to receive another treatment. In some cases, you might not need another medium chemical peel.

What To Expect From The Treatment

During the treatment, your skin specialist will cleanse your skin first to remove oils, makeup, and debris. Afterward, they will use gauze to apply the AHA/BHA prepping solution onto your skin. Lastly, they will apply the chemical peel with a fan brush, which will sit on your skin for a maximum of five minutes (or 8 in some cases). As the peel sits on your face, it will start to tingle and burn for a limited time until the peel is neutralized. When the time is up your skin specialist will neutralize the peel by washing it off with warm water and applying a calming hydrating balm. Lastly, they will apply an SPF 30+ sunscreen.

Some peels do not have to be washed off and neutralized. Since they are self-neutralizing, they are left to penetrate your skin for an additional time instead. This applies to medium-depth peels.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

Pre-treatment can be just as important as the treatment itself.

A week before your peel, you should be avoiding extended sun exposure (tanning beds included) or receiving injections of Botox or Dermal Fillers. You should also avoid other facial or peel treatments.

Three days before the treatment avoid waxing and hair removal creams or laser treatments. Also, discontinue using retinol, tretinoin, and BHA/AHA.

The day before treatment, do not shave for at least 12 hours prior to treatment.

Is There Any Recovery Afterwards?

Your skin will be red and swollen after your treatment. Stay out of the sun and always use sunscreen (SPF 30+!) when going outside. It is mandatory to drink 8 glasses of water a day! Best recommended for inner hydration and proper skin healing.

Do not scratch at your skin as it heals or pull the flakes off as this could interfere with the results and cause hyperpigmentation. Your skin specialist will send you home with customized skincare to ensure proper healing.

Getting A Chemical Peel

By the end of this article, you should know what a chemical peel is and what benefits it can offer. With this information, you can decide whether a chemical peel sounds right for you.

To learn more, contact us here.


The Different Types of Laser Therapy

How to know which one you need

The global laser therapy market is expected to reach over $2 million by the year 2023—so the odds are good you've heard of, or even considered, getting laser therapy.

Laser therapy is a revolutionary treatment that can treat so many different skin issues—from removing unwanted hair and spider veins to smoothing and evening out skin tone. But which treatment is best for your needs?

That depends on the goals you have. This article will explain the different types of laser treatments and what they are used for so you know which is right for you. Keep reading if you've ever been curious about one of these confidence-boosting treatments!

What Is Laser Therapy? What Is It Used For?

As mentioned, laser therapy is a way of treating a variety of cosmetic skin issues, from spider veins or rosacea to unwanted, persistent hair. It's a method that can be executed in several different ways, depending on what you're trying to accomplish.

Treatments are non-invasive and non-surgical. In fact, the word laser is an acronym standing for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

Laser therapy is either ablative—targeting the skin on the surface—or non-ablative, which targets the deeper layers of skin without affecting the top layers. Lasers use selective photothermolysis to break down or destroy unwanted skin issues, like age spots.

The Different Types of Laser Therapy, Explained

As you can tell by now, there's no one type of laser therapy—it encompasses many procedures that all serve a specific, unique purpose. Knowing about the different types of laser therapy that are offered can help you determine which is the best for you.

2D Skin Rejuvenation

This procedure has a two-pronged approach and combines two others—LimeLight IPL and Laser Genesis—into one.

2D Skin Rejuvenation targets both levels of the skin: the outer and deeper layers. LimeLight IPL gets absorbed on the skin's surface and can address superficial imperfections, such as sun damage. Laser Genesis delivers heat to a deeper layer of skin—the papillary dermis—to induce collagen growth, which promotes healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

So, if you have skin issues you want to get rid of—wrinkles, redness, fine lines—and you want to refresh or renew your skin, you might be an ideal candidate for this approach.

LimeLight IPL

IPL stands for 'intense pulse light' treatment. The procedure, often called photo-rejuvenation or photo facial, aims to improve damaged or ageing skin.

For this reason, IPL treatment stands to be incredibly common. It addresses all the common issues we experience as we get older—facial redness, acne scars, freckles, age spots, and so much more—in one easy, safe treatment.

By delivering intense pulses of light energy into the deepest layers of your skin, the collagen and blood vessels constrict, reducing anything from wrinkles to redness.

Laser Hair Removal

Another fantastic procedure is laser hair removal—the answer to all your anti-shaving prayers.

Using the Candela GentleMax Pro Hair Removal Machine, MC Laser Clinic can get rid of pesky, unwanted body hair in an easy but effective way. A laser beam targets the pigment in the hair follicle and destroys the cell's lining, specifically around the follicle's bulb, bulge, and vascular supply.

For most people, this method results in permanent hair reduction in the targeted areas. This type of laser therapy usually takes four to six treatments to work its best.

Laser Vein Removal

Spider veins are purple, blue, or even red vessels that are visible at the surface of the skin. They typically appear on the face or legs and can show up dark, causing the person with them to feel self-conscious.

Laser vein removal is a great solution as it's non-invasive yet effective. Using concentrated light through an ND-YAG laser, the targeted veins will heat up and begin to shrink, while an Advanced Dynamic Cooling™ system keeps skin in the treated area safe.

Laser Genesis

Finally, Laser Genesis—a non-invasive treatment that can stimulate your skin's natural renewal process.

This procedure is non-ablative (which targets the deeper levels of the skin), resulting in a more rejuvenated, youthful appearance. Enlarged pores, wrinkles, redness, and acne scars are no match for this renewal process, which naturally promotes healthier skin.

A Look at Prep and Aftercare

Prep and aftercare are expected to be different with each procedure. Before any treatment, you'll have a consultation with your skin specialist, who can recommend the appropriate aftercare steps to take.

Depending on the type of laser treatment you received, that might look like avoiding hot tubs (laser hair removal on the legs), avoiding contact with the direct sun (IPL treatment), or avoiding blood-thinning medications (laser vein removal).

In general, it's important to keep the treated area clear of elements like sun exposure, hot water, or even clothing that may rub against it. However, for some treatments—such as Laser Genesis—there is no downtime at As far as preparation goes, the same rule applies: ask your skin specialist what you need to do, and then follow up by doing so. That should be all the prep you need!

all, allowing you to return to work, school, and other daily activities right away.

Which Laser Treatment Is Best for Your Skin?

Laser therapy is a revolutionary treatment that addresses a wide variety of skin issues.

So, when deciding which treatment is best for you, consider your wants and needs. For example, if you've got stubborn facial hair, then laser hair removal is best for you. If you're trying to reduce signs of hyperpigmentation or sun-damaged skin, you may want to consider IPL, and so on.

When in doubt, don't hesitate to reach out to an industry expert!

At MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon, we're happy to answer any questions or guide you to the correct treatment for you.

Click here to book an appointment with us. We offer free laser consultations for anyone curious about the several innovative, confidence-boosting treatments we provide. We look forward to hearing from you!

Different Types of Scars and How to Treat Them

Here's how to Treat Acne Scars

Everyone has at least one scar. Some are barely visible, while others are hard to miss. Scars are caused by a variety of factors. That includes injury, trauma, and even acne.

Regardless of the reason for the scar, prominent scarring can interfere with healthy self-esteem. In fact, some research finds that people with scars may have a higher risk of anxiety and depression.

Fortunately, there are new and innovative treatments that can help minimize the appearance of scars, restoring both self-esteem and proper bodily function.

Let's talk about the kinds of scars and how they can be treated.

How Do Scars Form?

Scars occur as part of the healing process after an injury. Anytime the skin is opened, such as due to trauma, or acne, tissue rebuilds at the site to close the injury and heal the skin.

This scar tissue is made of collagen and grows after an accident, injury, surgery, or other trauma to the skin. Scars can form anywhere on the body, though many fade away with time.

Other scars may stick around for a while. The more severe the injury, the larger and more prominent the scar is likely to be. Likewise, the care received can impact the appearance of the scar.

Types of Scars

The type of scar you have also plays a role in how it looks and the appropriate method of treating it.

If you have a scar you'd like to have treated, let your skin specialist have a look at it. Proper diagnosis of the type of scar you have will help direct you toward the appropriate way to treat it.

Read below for some of the most common types of scars.

Keloid Scars

Keloid scars are usually thick and raised and may extend beyond the borders of the injury itself. They are usually darker in colour than the surrounding skin, making them quite noticeable.

After an injury, collagen production at the site increases, but often to a higher degree than necessary. Often, keloid scars are so thick and dense that they can interfere with proper movement.

This type of scar can occur anywhere on the body. However, they are most common on the chest, ears, back, and shoulders.

Contracture Scars

This type of scar occurs after a burn. They often extend much deeper into the skin than other kinds of scars. That can result in damage to the muscles and nerves as well.

As contracture scars heal, they reduce the amount of skin in the area. That results in tightness that can decrease the normal range of motion, as well as hinder the function of tendons, joints, and muscles.

Hypertrophic Scars

Similar to keloid scars, the hypertrophic type is raised. However, this kind of scar won't extend past the site of the injury. Its presence is due to incorrect healing.

Hypertrophic scars typically occur due to trauma on the skin. That might be due to a burn or as the result of surgery and are usually found in areas with taut skin.

Like other kinds of scars, this type can interfere with proper movement.

Acne Scars

Another common type of scar happens as a result of acne. This usually happens with severe acne. The occasional pimple likely won't leave you with scarring.

Acne scars can appear differently. For some people, they look like pitting or holes in the skin. For others, it leaves the surface of the face with wavelike scars.

What Types of Treatments are Available?

Scar treatment isn't a one size fits all option. The method you choose depends on the type and severity of your scar. See a skin specialist to discuss your options and what might be best suited to your needs.

In the meantime, let's explore some of your choices.


This process involves piercing the skin with very small needles. It's done by rolling a device over the surface of the scar.

The purpose of microneedling treatment is to activate healing, which can often help improve the look and feel of scar tissue on places throughout the body.

Laser Treatment

Perhaps one of the most common treatment methods, laser therapy uses light to target the blood vessels. As the light cauterizes them, scars begin to lighten in colour and flatten in appearance.

Some kinds of lasers break up the collagen that makes up the scar. When that happens, the area becomes more flexible, increasing the range of motion and function at the scar site.


IPL, or intense pulsed light, is an ideal treatment for both hypertrophic and keloid scars. Research shows that nearly 93 per cent of patients saw an improvement in the appearance of their scar after IPL treatment.

This treatment method is proven to shrink the size and shape of scars, while also improving their colour.


Dermaplaning is an ideal choice for treating acne scars. It works by shaving the skin, which effectively removes the top layers of skin.

It's also a good way to keep pores clear so you can prevent future outbreaks. Don't try dermaplaning if you have an active acne outbreak.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is another great way to treat acne scars. Like dermaplaning, the process removes the top layers of skin and is one of the treatments that help reduce scarring.

What You Should Consider Before Booking Your Appointment

The most important consideration when you plan to book treatment is the type of scar you have. This plays a large role in which treatment method is your best choice.

Questions to Ask

Here are some questions to ask before you undergo scar treatment:

  • What results can I expect?
  • How long will the treatment take?
  • What are the side effects?
  • Will it be painful?
  • How much does it cost?

This will help you learn what to expect from your skin specialist. Once you know more about how it works, you'll feel more comfortable with your options and the entire process.

Results You Want

Ultimately, you want to see a scar that is lighter in colour so it's not so prominent. You also want to improve the range of motion in the area so the scar isn't interfering with your day-to-day activities.

Sessions You'll Need

This depends on the treatment you choose. For example, a light chemical peel may need to be repeated weekly or monthly, while a deeper one means going up to six months between treatments.

Microneedling can be done much more often, as can dermaplaning. Laser therapy may require several sessions to get the results you want.

Your skin specialist can help you determine how many sessions you need and how far apart to space them.

Treating Your Scars the Right Way

Understanding the type of scars you have is the biggest factor in choosing the right treatment.

No matter what kind of scar you have, we're here to help. Contact us today to set up your first appointment

How to Remove Unwanted Hair For Good With Laser Hair Removal

Everything You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal

Are you tired of shaving and waxing pesky body hair? How much time have you wasted in the shower shaving your legs and underarms? How many rogue facial hairs have you plucked?

Shaving, waxing, threading and sugaring are some of the rather painful and time-consuming ways we try to maintain a smooth, sleek body. Because none of them are permanent, women tend to get stuck in an endless loop of spending time, money and frustration on getting rid of unwanted hair. 

It might be time to consider laser hair removal as an alternative option. This quick and effective solution is perfect for anyone ready to ditch their razors.

Not sure if it's right for you? Read on to learn everything that you need to know about laser hair removal.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is just what it sounds like; professionals use a gentle laser on your skin to remove hair.

It's a great alternative to other hair removal methods like irritating creams and shaving. It's been growing in popularity as more and more people discover how long-lasting it is.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

The process of laser hair removal is straightforward and virtually painless.

So, how does this "magic" procedure work?

During a session, a beam of light (in this case, a laser) removes unwanted hair by targeting the melanin in your hair. Melanin is the natural pigment that impacts the colours of your skin and hair.

When the melanin absorbs the light, it turns into heat. That heat damages the hair follicles to slow or prevent future hair growth.

Who is a Suitable Candidate?

The best modern laser hair removal has a wider range of candidates than it did in the past. That said, some people are still better candidates than others.

Laser hair removal is more effective for people with a high level of contrast between their skin and hair. This means that it's best for people with paler skin and darker hair. It works well on people with coarse hair.

People with lower levels of contrast won't benefit as much from laser hair removal. For example, people who are pale with light blonde hair may not want to choose this procedure.

If you're unsure as to whether or not you're a good candidate, talk to a professional.

The Benefits Over Other Hair Removal Methods

So why would you choose laser hair removal over other cheaper and more accessible options? While it's true that the laser hair removal cost is higher than the cost of a pack of razors, a waxing session, or a depilatory cream, there are plenty of reasons that it's a better choice.

First, laser hair removal is long-lasting. While it isn't always permanent, it does result in hair that grows back less visibly.

It's also less painful. While there may be some discomfort associated with laser hair removal, it's nothing in comparison to the burning from creams, a waxing session, or razor burns (or worse, cuts).

What To Expect From A Session

The average laser hair removal session is simple and quick.

The professional will press a laser handpiece against your skin. They may use a cooling method to protect the surface of your skin.

When they turn on the device, the laser will go through your skin to reach your hair follicles. The light will heat the follicles and damage them. This shouldn't be painful, but you may feel some discomfort.

Depending on the part of the body that you're treating, the procedure can last anywhere between several minutes to over an hour.

Prep and Aftercare Information

Many people aren't aware that you have to prepare for laser hair removal ahead of time.

First, you'll have a consultation. During this consultation, you'll discuss your medical history and whether or not you're a good candidate. You may also take "before" photos.

Make sure that you shave before laser hair removal. It was a common belief in the past that you should leave your hair long, but this is no longer true. Don't use other hair removal methods.

Avoid sun exposure. If you must be in the sun, make sure that you use a physical sunscreen. You don't want any chance of sunburn before your laser hair removal session.

As for aftercare, you may experience some swelling and redness after the procedure. Avoid using any creams on the area aside from standard cortisol cream or aloe vera gel. Instead, you can use an ice pack or a cold compress.

Avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds while your skin is healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

So what should you know before you go in for your hair removal session? Many newcomers have the same questions. Here's a quick FAQ to guide you.

If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to reach out to our team.

Does it Hurt?

Laser hair removal shouldn't hurt. Again, it may be uncomfortable during the procedure, but most people report warmth and the feeling of pinpricks or a snap of a rubber band rather than pain.

If you find that you feel pain during the session, you can ask to take a break.

You may feel mild soreness after the procedure, but it won't last long, and a cold compress will help.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

You may start seeing results after the first session, but most people need several sessions. Hair grows in cycles, so not all hair follicles will be affected in the same way. Because of this, several sessions may be necessary to reach every follicle.

It's safe to go for touch-up treatments.

Is it Safe For the Face?

Laser hair removal is safe for the face. The skin on your face is slightly more sensitive, but the overall effect is the same. Getting rid of chin hairs, moustaches, or any rogue hair where you don't want it is fine.

You may still experience redness and swelling. Keep this in mind and consider getting hair removal when you don't have to go out for several days.

Is it Permanent?

Laser hair removal is often permanent. That said, hormone fluctuations can cause hair to return in the future. In this case, there's nothing wrong with going back to the spa and getting a touch-up.

Even if hair grows back, it's often thinner and lighter than it was before.

Can it be Used on Dark Skin?

As we mentioned before, laser hair removal is best when there's a high contrast between the hair and the skin.

Modern laser devices are more effective and may be a safe option for people with dark skin. Talk to the clinician about your options.

Is Laser Hair Removal Right for You?

Laser hair removal is a quick and effective solution for anyone looking to get rid of unwanted body or facial hair. It's more effective than waxing, shaving, or uncomfortable creams.

Are you ready to look into laser hair removal for yourself? We want to meet you! Contact us to set up a consultation appointment today so you can get the smooth and hairless skin you've always wanted.

Smiling woman with curly hair touching her face

Professional Skin Treatments That Can Help Reduce Acne

Four Ways to Improve Acne Without A Dermatologist

Those who continue to struggle with acne well into adulthood know that oily and acne-prone skin can be difficult to treat at home with over-the-counter products.

For those who have tried all of the masks, pore strips, cleansers, and creams imaginable, and still can't find relief, it may be time to turn to a skincare expert for professional skin treatments.

Not sure where to start? We will go over some of the best professional skin care treatments that help with mild to moderate acne without seeing a dermatologist.

What is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles in the skin are clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to blemishes like whiteheads, blackheads, and papules.

While acne most commonly occurs on the face, it can also appear on other parts of the body, such as the back and chest.

What Causes Acne?

While lifestyle factors are one of the most common triggers for mild to moderate acne, there are several other reasons you may be experiencing annoying blemishes.

Some of the most common causes of adult acne include:


While hormonal acne most often strikes during puberty, hormonal fluctuations are also often one of the leading causes of adult acne. For instance, many women find that they experience acne flare-ups during their menstrual cycle and/or pregnancy.

Skincare Routine

A good skincare routine is the foundation for glowing, healthy skin. So, if you are experiencing acne, it's possible that either you are using products that aren't designed for your unique skin type, or, you aren't following a consistent skincare routine.

By taking good care of your skin with high-quality products suited for your skin is the first step towards healthy, acne-free skin.


While not always the main cause of moderate to severe acne, the following foods have been linked to increased hormone production, which can lead to acne:

  • Saturated fats

  • Refined sugar

  • Dairy

  • Chocolate


It's no secret that stress can take a significant toll on your physical health, and even manifest in the form of acne.

While stress does not directly cause pimples, it can worsen symptoms for those who already struggle with acne.


Often, genetics are the leading cause of many health conditions – even acne!

If your parents or siblings struggle with moderate to severe acne, your chances of having acne significantly increase.

What Options Are Available When Over the Counter Products Don't Work?

If you have already tried every product at the drug store to treat your mild to moderate acne, it's probably time to switch to professional skin treatments from our skincare experts. Here are some of our top non-medical treatments that can help clear your pores and soothe stubborn acne.

AFA Clay Peel

An AFA Clay Peel is a two-step treatment that offers deep exfoliation without drying out or irritating the skin.

Combining Amino acid Filaggrin with natural clay, this is a wonderful, gentle treatment for removing impurities from the skin, controlling oil, and improving the appearance of mild acne.

Learn More About AFA Clay Peels

Silkpeel Dermalinfusion

Silkpeel Dermalinfusion is a revolutionary three-in-one treatment that injects the skin with a custom combination of serums while exfoliating and removing impurities.

For those with oily, acne-prone skin, we recommend the Clarifying Formula, which includes salicylic acid and aloe and helps to unclog pores, calm irritation, and gently exfoliate.

Learn More About Silkpeel Dermalinfusion

IPL (For Acne Scars)

While not a treatment for acne, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments can help to significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars leftover from bad blemishes.

Here's how it works:

As the name suggests, IPL uses a series of short pulses of light to target skin cells affected by scarring and discolouration. This triggers your body to eliminate the unwanted cells, revealing smoother-looking skin.

Learn More About IPL

Professional Skincare

As previously mentioned, your skin is only as good as the skincare that you use. Therefore, we recommend swapping out your drugstore products with professional-grade skincare available for purchase at MC Laser Clinic & Salon.

We highly recommend brands like iS Clinical and the following products to help treat and prevent acne breakouts:

When to Seek Treatment From Dermatologist For Severe Acne

While our team of experts is equipped to help you deal with all sorts of skin concerns, it's important to note that we are not doctors and cannot diagnose or prescribe prescription-grade skincare. For cases of severe acne that cannot be treated with regular skincare products and treatments, we recommend you seek help from a dermatologist.

As you can see, acne does not have to be a part of your everyday life. With a great skincare routine that incorporates professional skincare products and skin treatments from MC Laser Clinic & Salon, you can achieve the complexion of your dreams and get rid of stubborn acne for good. Contact us today to get started!

How to Reverse Sun Damage

Stuck with Sun Spot Damage? Let Our Specialists Help You

We all love spending time in the sun for one reason or another. Whether you enjoy watching the sunrise, going for hikes, or tanning at the beach, the sun has something to offer for everyone. Unfortunately, spending time in the sun does come with one major drawback: it can cause your skin to age and pick up damage.

Take sun tanning, for example. Sure, your skin tone may look beach-ready after a tanning session, but the process could accelerate the aging process and even put you at risk of developing skin cancer.

Learn about sun damage to avoid dry, discoloured, and wrinkled skin – plus, find out below how you can reverse sun damage after it occurs!

What is Sun Damage?

You may have heard this phenomenon called many names – photoaging, photodamage, or solar damage, among others. But what do these words mean?

Essentially, the sun does a lot to our bodies, including giving us Vitamin D. It also sends UV rays deep into our skin, which can change the inner DNA at a cellular level. As a result, it can damage the dermis and leave visible effects: most notably, wrinkles, sun spots, blotchiness, poor skin elasticity, and spider veins.

If left untreated, sun damage could increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

Prevention is Key

One of the best ways to protect yourself against the threat of sun damage is to make a habit of wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen. This skincare essential isn’t just for beach trips – it should be part of your daily routine.

Sunscreen can protect you against UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Most professionals recommend choosing a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more. This means that, with sunscreen on, it will take 30 times as long for your skin to burn or become damaged.

Having trouble remembering to put sunscreen on? Take a travel-sized bottle with you wherever you go – and try to reapply after every few hours!

Ways to Reverse Sun Damage After It Occurs

Even if you start building your defense against sun damage now, what can you do about the sun damage your skin has already accumulated?

Have no fear – we’ve got plenty of tough treatments that demolish sun damage. With the help from our team of skincare specialists, you can give your skin the boost it needs to overcome years’ worth of visible effects from the sun.

Read below for our top picks.

Limelight IPL Photo Rejuvenation

IPL stands for intense pulse light treatment – and the results are as intense as promised. Specifically, this treatment sends light deep into the skin, targeting what’s beneath the epidermis. As a result, the blood vessels and collagen constrict, which reduces the visible effects of sun damage. You may eliminate pigmentation issues or wrinkles with this option.


Chemical Peels

When you see sun damage or similar skin issues, don’t you wish you could just peel them off?

Our chemical peels tackle sun damage by doing two things: they get rid of dead skin cells and encourage collagen production. As a result, the damaged surface layer is removed and replaced with a fresh layer of skin. Chemical peels offer a great way to get rid of wrinkles, blemishes, and much more, while encouraging fresh, healthy skin.


Silkpeel Dermalinfusion

This treatment is a triple threat: it exfoliates, extracts impurities, and gives your skin a boost through our brilliant serums.

With Dermalinfusion, the serum enters the skin deeply while exfoliation takes place. As a result, your skin is given a major upgrade, and issues like wrinkles and discolouration are taken care of with ease.


AFA Skinpeel

AFA Skinpeels are a favourite among skincare enthusiasts. ‘AFA’ stands for Amino Acid Filaggrin-Based Antioxidants, and these acids preserve your skin’s moisture barrier while protecting all the layers behind it. This is a great option for people who find that their skin gets dried out from time in the sun.


Visia Skin Analysis

With so many skin treatment options, how could you possibly know where to start?

Don’t worry – we have just the right thing. The Visia Skin Analysis is a technology that allows professionals to see what skincare strategy a person may pursue depending on visible and skin-deep factors. This way, we can see specifically how the sun has affected your skin, and what course of action to take.



With a deliberate approach to skincare, you can enjoy your time in the sun without worrying about the visible effects left by UV rays.

Have questions about skincare? At MC Laser Clinic, our team of specialists is dedicated to helping you achieve the glow you’ve been waiting for. Contact us now!

Smiling blonde middle-aged woman

How to Look Younger Without Surgery or Injectables

Non-Invasive Treatments That Tackle Wrinkles and Other Signs of Aging 

The secret to youthful skin isn't actually surgery or injectables. In fact, there are plenty more natural, non-invasive options that will turn back the hands of time and leave you with smoother, more rejuvenated skin – many of which are available here at MC Laser Clinic & Salon.

That being said, we will discuss the benefits of non-invasive anti-aging treatments like microneedling, chemical peels, and more.

About the Natural Aging Process

As we get older, our skin begins to lose some of its elasticity and tone. This causes the skin to appear more loose, dry, and thin. Our skin's natural ability to repair and protect itself against the elements also diminishes as we age. This means that skin does not bounce back as easily as it would when you are younger.

Factors that Can Speed Up the Aging Process

While the signs of aging are a normal part of getting older, certain factors can speed up the aging process, leaving you with fine lines and wrinkles, discolouration, and age spots prematurely. These factors include:

  • Stress

  • Smoking cigarettes

  • Sun damage

  • Sleep deprivation

  • Drugs and alcohol

How to Reverse the Signs of Aging Without Fillers or Surgery

Many have turned to injectables like dermal fillers and Botox, or even facelift surgery to help restore a more youthful look. However, in many cases, invasive treatments are not necessary to help turn back the hands of time.

The following treatments are great examples of ways you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots with almost no downtime.


Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, scars, discolouration, and more.

Microneedling uses very fine, sterile needles to penetrate the skin and create micro-injuries in order to stimulate collagen production and produce newer, healthy skin tissue.

Because the needles used are so small, the procedure is not painful, and requires very little recovery time. The entire process can be completed in as little as 30 minutes.

Learn More About Microneedling

AFA Skin Peel

AFA Skin Peels are gentler than traditional chemical peels while offering many of the same benefits.

AFA Peels use antioxidants and amino acids to make your skin look and feel tighter, more moisturized, and glowing. They are gentle to have done every week or every other week.

Chemical Peel

Chemical peels use a unique blend of acids to resurface the outer layers of the skin and reveal, smoother, softer, more youthful skin underneath.

After you've healed from a chemical peel, skin tends to feel softer, brighter, and tighter, with fewer wrinkles and less discolouration.

There are three different levels of chemical peels depending on your skin condition and concerns.

Learn More About Chemical Peels

Silkpeel Dermal Infusion

Silkpeel Dermalinfusion is a unique three-in-one treatment that exfoliates and extracts impurities while infusing the skin with a custom combination of serums mixed to treat your unique skin concerns.

The serums are injected deep into the skin during the exfoliation process to provide immediate and long-lasting results.

Dermalinfusion can be used to treat the following skin concerns:

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Dark spots

  • Sun damage

  • Sallow skin

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Dry and dehydrated skin

  • Acne-prone skin

  • Rough skin texture

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy refers to the use of lasers to tackle various skin concerns. There are several different types of laser therapy, but when it comes to anti-aging, Laser Genesis is often used.

During a Laser Genesis treatment, gentle micro-pulses of laser energy are transmitted into the skin. This activates collagen remodeling and stimulates the skin’s natural renewal process, improving your overall skin quality and reducing the appearance of sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, redness, rosacea, acne, uneven skin texture, enlarged pores, and scarring.


LimeLight IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) works similarly to laser therapy. It delivers intense pulses of light energy into the deep layers of the skin,

As the light is absorbed by the skin, this causes the blood vessels and collagen below the epidermis to constrict. The light is also absorbed by pigmentation in the skin, helping to reduce sun spots and discolouration.

IPL helps treat:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Sun damage

  • Freckles

  • Age/brown spots

  • Rosacea and facial redness

  • Acne and acne scars

Professional Skincare Products from MC Laser

At MC Laser Clinic & Salon, we carry only the best of the best when it comes to skincare products. We stock premium skincare products from brands like iS Clinical, RejudiCare, and Casmara. Some of our top product recommendations for maintaining a youthful include:

All of these products listed above are available for purchase in our online store.

As you can see, achieving a youthful glow doesn't require thousands of dollars or unnecessary surgery.  With a little bit of TLC and help from our skincare experts at MC Laser Clinic & Salon, you'll be left with glowing, moisturized skin free of wrinkles and discolouration. Contact us today to book a consultation.

The Best Facials for Every Skin Type

Fabulous Facials for Every Skin Concern

Our skin goes through a lot. From shifting weather patterns to long, stressful days, your skin sees it all. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could give your skin a boost – especially considering how much your skin handles throughout each day?

That’s where facials come in. Facials give you the chance to give your skin a boost and fight back against aging or skin damage.

There are plenty of facial treatments out there – but do they really work? And which one is for you? Read below to find out.

What is a Facial?

The term ‘facial’ refers to any treatment that aims to improve the health or appearance of the patient’s skin. A facial is typically performed by a professional skincare expert, as opposed to at-home treatments or drugstore products. These treatments may involve a cream, needles,

Most facials have a particular goal – to make skin healthier or younger-looking or to treat a particular issue.

Some patients get facials for cosmetic reasons, while others get them to support their skin’s health – then, of course, there are patients who just like to treat themselves to a skin refresh! In any event, there are plenty of ways to customize your facial experience.

What Will a Facial Do to My Skin?

That depends on what you’re looking for. There are plenty of facials that you may choose from, and each one has its own set of specific effects on your skin.

With a facial, you may choose to treat a number of issues or target a number of areas.

Popular goals include:

  • Improving acne

  • Exfoliating the skin

  • Repairing collagen growth

  • Moisturizing dry skin

  • Slowing down the aging process

  • Treating the sensitive skin under the eyes

Most facials are made to have long-lasting effects. All facials are safe and proven to be effective, as they are tested and performed by skin care professionals.

Why Professional Facials are Better Than DIY Options

If you go to the skincare aisle of the drugstore, you’ll find plenty of take-home creams, drops, sheet masks, and ointments that promise stellar results – but it’s unlikely that any of them can provide anything close to the results that facials do.

At-home DIY treatments are usually too good to be true. Sure, they’re inexpensive at face value, but they also use cheap ingredients that don’t deliver on their promise – instead, they clog your pores. As a result, your money basically goes down the drain.

Skincare professionals are trained to actually solve skincare problems and they have the state-of-the-art gear to do so. That’s why facials are so popular – they deliver on their promise.

The Best Facials for Each Skin Type

You’re thinking about getting a facial – but where should you start? You may consider choosing based on your skin type, as many facials target issues that are indicated by how your skin tends to act.

Read below to learn more about skin types and how yours could point to a standout facial option.

Plus, you can view our full list of facials here.

Skin Types: Dry vs Oily

Most of the time, skin can be categorized as one of three ‘types’ – these are dry, oily, and combination.

The ‘dry skin’ category can be characterized by skin that is tight and flaky and tends to crack. The ‘oily skin’ category can be characterized by skin that appears greasy or shiny and tends to develop acne easily.

Then, there’s the ‘combination skin’ category, which is characterized by traits from both the dry and oily categories. More specifically, combination skin tends to be oily at the T-zone (the forehead, chin, and nose) but dry elsewhere.

Otherwise, you may notice that one of your skin’s traits is more notable than how dry or oily it is – for example, it may be sensitive or aging.

Now that you have an idea of what skin type you may have, it’s time to see which facials might serve your skin best.

Dry Skin? Try the Rejuvenating Facial

To ‘rejuvenate’ is to put a fresh burst of energy into something, or to restore it to its best version. Your dry, flaky skin could use some extra help – especially under harsh weather conditions.

Learn more about our skin rejuvenation options.

Oily Skin? Try the Exfoliating Clear Skin Facial

Our Exfoliating Clear Skin Facial takes care of blemishes, oil, and problematic pores. As a result, your skin will be smooth, clear, and hydrated.

Have Skin Cancer? Try the Harmony Facial

Are you undergoing treatment for skin cancer, and finding that your skin reacts harshly to most treatments or external conditions? Get gentle yet effective results with the Harmony Facial. This treatment is designed specifically for those who are undergoing, or have gone through cancer treatments, and brings a hydrating, healthy glow to tired or grumpy skin.

Combination Skin? Try the Fire & Ice Facial

If you feel like your skin reflects issues surrounding various types of skin, look no further than this powerful treatment. The Fire & Ice Facial offers the best of both worlds – it resurfaces your skin to remove the appearance of wrinkles while cooling your skin down to encourage cellular renewal.

Aging Skin? Try the Eye Bright Treatment

The skin around your eyes tends to be the most sensitive, and usually shows the first signs of aging. Target this area with precision using the Eye Bright Treatment, which keeps the skin around your eyes looking young, smooth, and healthy.


Your skin deserves to be pampered a little. With our wide variety of facials, you can give your skin the support it deserves while targeting any issue of your choice. Contact us today to book your appointment!

Not-So-Secret Celebrity Skin Treatments

How Hollywood Stars Stay Fresh and Youthful

 When you flip through magazines or scroll through social media, you might notice that celebrities seem to always have picture-perfect skin. Stars don't simply wake up each day with perfect skin, though. They take plenty of steps towards achieving smooth, glowing skin, and that doesn't always mean surgery.

Many don't realize that stars achieve this skin because they regularly get facials and other skin treatments – and it's not always easy to find out which ones they choose.

We're going to let you in on some secrets. Read below to learn about some of the most popular treatments among celebs – and how you can get these facials without a celebrity budget.

Celebrity-Approved Skin Care Treatments

Limelight Photo-Rejuvenation

No matter who you are, your skin is bound to collect signs of aging and damage over time – especially after time in the sun.

The Limelight Photo-Rejuvenation Facial transforms your skin, making it look younger and healthier. By delivering pulses of light to your skin, it targets redness, sun damage, and age spots.

You deserve to feel like a star at any age, and getting this facial is the perfect way to feel like every step you take is on the Walk of Fame.

Learn more about Limelight IPL Photo-Rejuvenation at MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon


Your body goes through a 'healing process' to protect your skin, but environmental factors can make it harder to heal.

That's where microneedling comes in. This treatment stimulates collagen production while evening out your skin tone, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, and reducing appearance of scars.

Microneedling is performed using the SkinPen, an exciting technology that is comfortable on your skin!

Jennifer Aniston once told People Magazine that she swears by Microneedling – so what are you waiting for?

Learn more about SkinPen Microneedling at MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon

Laser Treatments

What do Chelsea Handler, Kim Kardashian, and Linda Evangelista all have in common? They all have great skin – and they all choose laser treatments!

This approach to skincare is quick, painless and powerful. It can improve your skin's overall appearance and health, and you can even target specific conditions from aging to acne.

At MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon, we offer a ton of great laser treatments that will make you shine. Our methods are performed by experienced technicians who love helping patients achieve their best look!

We offer:

  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Laser genesis
  • Limelight IPL Photo Rejuvenation
  • Plus, hair removal and spider vein removal!
Learn more about Laser Treatments at MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon

Chemical Peels

Everyone in Hollywood from Courteney Cox to Gwyneth Paltrow uses chemical peels. They're a quick and efficient way to peel away all your skin problems! These peels remove the outer layer of skin and its dead cells, and encourage a fresh, new layer of skin to shine through.

At MC Laser, we use one of the best collections of chemical peels around: IMAGE Skincare. These peels come in three 'levels,' and we can help pick which is right for you. Our peels can help you target stress signs, dryness, spots, redness, acne, aging, and so much more.

Learn more about Chemical Peels at MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon

Celluma Light Therapy

It's no secret why celebs like this innovative treatment. Celluma Light Therapy uses advanced technology to provide a quick, easy, and safe upgrade to your skin.

Specifically, it involves LED lights which are carefully selected to tackle a ton of skin problems. Each light colour targets a specific set of issues: red LED lights target aging and pigmentation, blue LED lights target acne, and infrared LED lights target pain and inflammation.

Stars like Chrissy Teigen, Emma Stone, and Kelly Rowland have all taken on light therapy, and the service is only becoming more popular as time goes by.

Learn more about Celluma Light Therapy at MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser removal is one of our favourite developments in the beauty industry, and celebs love it too. It isn't just for skin, though. You can eliminate any unwanted body hair using quick and painless laser technology.

Vanessa Hudgens and Kylie Jenner are two of many celebs who love laser hair removal. Why? Because it's simple, safe, and reliable. Laser removal zaps off unwanted hair by burning off the pigment in the hair follicle, and killing the cell without harming the surrounding skin. As a result, patients are left with glowing, smooth skin.

Learn more about Laser Hair Removal at MC Laser Clinic & Hair Salon.


Achieving Hollywood-friendly skin isn't impossible after all. By giving your skin the star treatment it deserves, you'll light up every room you walk into. Grab a pen – people might start asking you for your autograph!

Not sure which treatment is right for you? Book a consultation today with one of our estheticians at MC Laser Clinic & Salon!